Forecasting Market Indices Using Stacked Autoencoders & LSTM

Quality Research vs. Poor Research

The stem paper for this post is:

Bao W, Yue J, Rao Y (2017) A deep learning framework for financial time series using
stacked autoencoders and long-short term memory. PLoS ONE 12(7): e0180944.

The chief claim by the researchers is that 90% to 95% 1-day ahead forecast accuracy can be achieved for a selection of market indices, including the S&P500 and Dow Jones Industrial Average, using a deep learning network of stacked autoencoders and LSTM layers, acting on data transformed using the Haar Discrete Wavelet Transform. The raw data comprises daily data for the index, around a dozen standard technical indicators, the US dollar index and an interest rate series.

Before we go into any detail let’s just step back and look at the larger picture. We have:

  • Unknown researchers
  • A journal from outside the field of finance
  • A paper replete with pretty colored images, but very skimpy detail on the methodology
  • A claimed result that lies far beyond the bounds of credibility

There’s enough red flags here to start a stampede at Pamplona. Let’s go through them one by one:

  1. Everyone is unknown at some point in their career. But that’s precisely why you partner with a widely published author. It gives the reader confidence that the paper isn’t complete garbage.
  2. Not everyone gets to publish in the Journal of Finance. I get that. How many of us were regular readers of the Journal of Political Economy before Black and Scholes published their famous paper on option pricing in 1973? Nevertheless, a finance paper published in a medical journal does not inspire great confidence.
  3. Read almost any paper by a well known researcher and you will find copious detail on the methodology. These days, the paper is often accompanied by a Git repo (add 3 stars for this!). Academics producing quality research want readers to be able to replicate and validate their findings.
    In this paper there are lots of generic, pretty colored graphics of deep learning networks, but no code repo and very little detail on the methodology. If you don’t want to publish details because the methodology is proprietary and potentially valuable, then do what I do: don’t publish at all.
  4. One-day ahead forecasting accuracy of 53%-55% is good (52%-53% in HFT). 60% accuracy is outstanding. 90% – 95% is unbelievable. It’s a license to print money. So what we are being asked to believe is through a combination of data smoothing (which is all DWT is), dimensionality reduction (stacked autoencoders) and long-memory modeling, we can somehow improve forecasting accuracy over, say, a gradient boosted tree baseline, by something like 40%. It simply isn’t credible.

These simple considerations should be enough for any experienced quant to give the paper a wide berth.

Digging into the Methodology

  1. Discrete Wavelet Transform

So we start from a raw dataset with variables that closely match those described in the paper (see headers for details). Of course, I don’t know the parameter values they used for most of the technical indicators, but it possibly doesn’t matter all that much.

Note that I am applying DWT using the Haar wavelet twice: once to the original data and then again to the transformed data. This has the effect of filtering out higher frequency “noise” in the data, which is the object of the exercise. If follow this you will also see that the DWT actually adds noisy fluctuations to the US Dollar index and 13-Week TBill series. So these should be excluded from the de-noising process. You can see how the DWT denoising process removes some of the higher frequency fluctuations from the opening price, for instance:

2. Stacked Autoencoders

First up, we need to produce data for training, validation and testing. I am doing this for just the first batch of data. We would then move the window forward + 3 months, rinse and repeat.

Note that:

(1) The data is being standardized. If you don’t do this the outputs from the autoencoders is mostly just 1s and 0s. Same happens if you use Min/Max scaling.

(2) We use the mean and standard deviation from the training dataset to normalize the test dataset. This is a trap that too many researchers fall into – standardizing the test dataset using the mean and standard deviation of the test dataset is feeding forward information.

The Autoencoder stack uses a hidden layer of size 10 in each encoder. We strip the output layer from the first encoder and use the hidden layer as inputs to the second autoencoder, and so on:

3. Benchmark Model

Before we plow on any further lets do a sanity check. We’ll use the Predict function to see if we’re able to get any promising-looking results. Here we are building a Gradient Boosted Trees predictor that maps the autoencoded training data to the corresponding closing prices of the index, one step ahead.

Next we use the predictor on the test dataset to produce 1-step-ahead forecasts for the closing price of the index.

Finally, we construct a trading model, as described in the paper, in which we go long or short the index depending on whether the forecast is above or below the current index level. The results do not look good (see below).

Now, admittedly, an argument can be made that a properly constructed LSTM model would outperform a simple gradient-boosted tree – but not by the amount that would be required to improve the prediction accuracy from around 50% to nearer 95%, the level claimed in the paper. At most I would expect to see a 1% to 5% improvement in forecast accuracy.

So what this suggests to me is that the researchers have got something wrong, by somehow allowing forward information to leak into the modeling process. The most likely culprits are:

  1. Applying DWT transforms to the entire dataset, instead of the training and test sets individually
  2. Standardzing the test dataset using the mean and standard deviation of the test dataset, instead of the training data set

A More Complete Attempt to Replicate the Research

There’s a much more complete attempt at replicating the research in this Git repo

As the repo author writes:

My attempts haven’t been succesful so far. Given the very limited comments regarding implementation in the article, it may be the case that I am missing something important, however the results seem too good to be true, so my assumption is that the authors have a bug in their own implementation. I would of course be happy to be proven wrong about this statement 😉


Over time, as one’s experience as a quant deepens, you learn to recognize the signs of shoddy research and save yourself the effort of trying to replicate it. It’s actually easier these days for researchers to fool themselves (and their readers) that they have uncovered something interesting, because of the facility with which complex algorithms can be deployed in an inappropriate way.


 This paper echos my concerns about the incorrect use of wavelets in a forecasting context:

The incorrect development of these wavelet-based forecasting models occurs during wavelet decomposition (the process of extracting high- and low-frequency information into different sub-time series known as wavelet and scaling coefficients, respectively) and as a result introduces error into the forecast model inputs. The source of this error is due to the boundary condition that is associated with wavelet decomposition (and the wavelet and scaling coefficients) and is linked to three main issues: 1) using ‘future data’ (i.e., data from the future that is not available); 2) inappropriately selecting decomposition levels and wavelet filters; and 3) not carefully partitioning calibration and validation data.

Generating Synthetic Market Data

Why Synthetic Data?

Synthetic market data has great potential for applications in financial research. Examples include testing the risk characteristics of a trading book or investment portfolio, developing trading strategies using previously unseen data, or simulating high frequency trading activity in a limit order book. It provides an answer to the criticism of curve fitting that is routinely levelled at existing approaches that use the single, observed historical path followed by an asset to construct investment and risk models. Such models, critics argue, are usually over-fitted to the historical data and are consequently unlikely to prove robust, going forward.

What is required is a model of the underlying asset processes that can then be used to generate a large number of price paths for all of the constituents of an investment portfolio. This should provide a more realistic assessment of the range of possible behaviours of the portfolio under a wide variety of market conditions, including during tail events.

Existing Methodology

Current approaches to modelling asset processes are often rudimentary and fail to capture the interplay of market dynamics that impact the evolution of the process. So, for example, we might begin by modelling the process of asset returns using a Gaussian or Student-T distribution. This immediately runs into the issue of under-representing the “fat tails” of empirical asset distributions, where tail events occur much more frequently than standard distributions would suggest. We might move on consider using the empirical distribution itself, and this might be sufficient for some applications.

But in many cases we want to generate a sequence of returns, or perhaps a time series of Open/High/Low/Close prices for modelling purposes. This is a challenge that is at least an order of magnitude more difficult. We not only have to ensure that the returns and/or prices at each individual time step are consistent (e.g. that the High > Low, in the case of prices, for example), but also that the sequence of returns is representative of known characteristics of financial assets such as serial autocorrelation, cross correlation and volatility clustering. GARCH models serve reasonably well in this context, but, for example, fail to capture long memory effects, amongst other deficiencies.

Deep Learning Models

Generative Adversarial Networks have become ubiquitous in the generation of “deep fakes” – .synthesised images generated by deep learning models that are close to indistinguishable from the real thing, whether it be the image of a human face, or medical images such X-ray scans. In 2019 Jinsung Yoon, Daniel Jarrett, and Mihaela van der Schaar published a paper on Time-series Generative Adversarial Networks (“TimeGAN”) in Neural Information Processing Systems (link to paper here) , a deep learning model that can be used to generate synthetic time series data.

An important characteristic of time series data is that it extends regular tabular data in the third dimension (i.e time):

As the authors note:

“A good generative model for time-series data should preserve temporal dynamics, in the sense that new sequences respect the original relationships between variables across time. Existing methods that bring generative adversarial networks (GANs) into the sequential setting do not adequately attend to the temporal correlations unique to time-series data. At the same time, supervised models for sequence prediction – which allow finer control over network dynamics – are inherently deterministic.”

They continue:

“[TimeGAN is a] novel framework for generating realistic time-series data that combines the flexibility of the unsupervised paradigm with the control afforded by supervised training. Through a learned embedding space jointly optimized with both supervised and adversarial objectives, we encourage the network to adhere to the dynamics of the training data during sampling”.

This sounds very promising and indeed the authors claim that “Qualitatively and quantitatively, we find that the proposed framework consistently and significantly outperforms state-of-the-art benchmarks with respect to measures of similarity and predictive ability” for several different types of time series dataset, including stock data.

A Brief Interlude on Generative Adversarial Networks

In the GAN architecture we implement two models: one to generate artificial data and another to distinguish artificial from real data. For example, a GAN model to generate artificial images of handwritten numbers would look approximately like this:

There are many architectures to consider for building the discriminator and the generator. We could build a deep neural network or Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) as well as other options.


In the context of time series we face not only the problem of matching the features of synthetic and real data sequences, but also calibrating the time dynamics of the underlying generation process. TimeGAN addresses these challenges by using an unsupervised adversarial loss on both real and synthetic sequences, coupled with a stepwise supervised loss using the original data as supervision, thereby explicitly encouraging the model to capture the stepwise conditional distributions in the data. This takes advantage of the fact that there is more information in the training data than simply whether each datum is real or synthetic; we can expressly learn from the transition dynamics from real sequences.

A further innovative feature of the TimeGAN model in the introduction of an embedding network to provide a reversible mapping between features and latent representations, thereby reducing the high-dimensionality of the adversarial learning space. This capitalizes on the fact the temporal dynamics of even complex systems are often driven by fewer and lower-dimensional factors of variation.

Importantly, the supervised loss is minimized by jointly training both the embedding and generator networks, such that the latent space not only serves to promote parameter efficiency—it is specifically conditioned to facilitate the generator in learning temporal relationships.

The figure below shows how the various components are arranged and how the information flows between them during training in TimeGAN.

Further details of the TimeGAN model can be found in the paper and in the accompanying GitHub repository, which is found here.

Evaluating the Performance of TimeGAN

The researchers test the TimeGAN methodology using several different datasets, such as daily stock data for the period 2004 to 2019 downloaded from Google, including as features the volume and high, low, opening, and closing prices.

The TimeGAN model is trained for 50,000 epochs with a batch size of 128, using a 24-period rolling window, which the authors found to be the optimal window size. The trained synthesizer produces samples comprising a (128 x 24 x 5) dataframe of price and volume data which can then be compared to the original stock series. It is worth noting that the starting prices of each 24-period window are generated independently, meaning that, for example, the opening price in one sample window might be 10x larger than in another window. This immediately indicates one of the drawbacks of the TimeGAN approach: i.e. that the window length of the generated data is fixed and it can be challenging to stitch windows together to create a longer synthetic series, given that the initial prices for each vary considerably from window to window.

The data visualization methods chosen by the authors to evaluate the performance of the synthetic series in reproducing the features of the original series is problematic, at least as far as stock data is concerned. Both TSNE and PCA plots of the real vs. synthetic data appear to indicate a very close match:

This illustrates how misleading it can be to rely on data visualization for inference purposes. For stock data, there are some very basic tests that should first be performed to ensure the consistency of the synthetic output. In particular, in each row of the window, the High should exceed the Open, Low and Close prices, with the Low price falling below the Open, High and Close prices.

In my experimentation I found that after training the model for 50,000 epochs, the synthetic data failed these basic tests in around 15% of the sample. Further training rounds up to 100,000 epochs reduced the error rate to only 5% and it should be possible to eliminate almost all of these basic data issues with further rounds of training.

However, another basic problem with the synthetic data rapidly becomes apparent: the period to period (in this case, daily) returns have a strong tendency to diminish over time, typically being an order of magnitude larger at the start of each window than towards the end. This pattern of behavior is bound to introduce spurious autocorrelation and volatility-decay effects that are nowhere to be found in the real data series.

Finally, the fixed, limited window size and the independence of each window sample of synthetic data make it impossible to account for important characteristics such as volatility clustering or long memory effects in any adequate way.

Taken together, these flaws render the synthetic stock data produced by TimeGAN significantly unrepresentative and highly unreliable for modelling purposes.


TimeGAN is an important innovation in the field of synthetic data generation, with particular relevance to time series data. However it has significant limitations that make its application to financial time series problematic, in regard to the fixed window length, inconsistencies in the price data and spurious autocorrelation in the returns of the synthetic series it generates.

Transfer Learning

Building a deep learning neural network is a complicated and time-consuming task. For some problems it can be easier to re-purpose an existing deep learning model, making minor adjustments to a small number of layers to achieve desired architecture.

In his new book Introduction to Machine Learning, Etienne Bernard gives a nice example of the technique.

We begin with a dataset comprising images of two types of mushroom, with the aim of building a specialized image classifier.

Using a Neural Network for Feature Extraction

We start from the Wolfram ImageIdentify net, which is a 24-layer convolutional neural network trained on around 4000 image types.

net=NetModel[“Wolfram ImageIdentify Net V1”]

In its current form the net is too generalized for our task:


So instead of using the net in raw form, we use the first 22 layers as a feature extractor. This will preprocess each image to obtain features that are semantically richer than simple pixel values. We can then train a classifier on top of these new features, producing a logistic regression model:


The classifier can now distinguish between different types of mushrooms:

The classifier achieves around 88% accuracy on a test set constructed from a web image search:

dsTest = AssociationMap[
WebImageSearch[#, “Thumbnails”, 10] &, {“Morel”,
“Bolete”}] /. $Failed -> Nothing // Quiet;
ClassifierMeasurements[c, test, “Accuracy”,
ComputeUncertainty -> True]

0.88 +/- 0.09

This is much better than training directly on the underlying pixel values, which would result in an accuracy of around 44%, worse than random guessing.

Neural Network Transfer Learning

Moving on from Etienne’s feature extraction approach, we next try creating a new neural network by re-using the first 22 layers of the ImageIdentify network, adding two new layers (a LinearLayer and SoftmaxLayer) for mushroom classification:


We re-train the new network using the mushroom training dataset, holding the weights for the first 22 layers at their existing values (i.e. only training the last two, new layers):


Next, create a new test dataset and test the new neural network’s accuracy:

dsTest=AssociationMap[WebImageSearch[#,”Thumbnails”,10] &,{“Morel”,”Bolete”}] /. $Failed->Missing[] //Quiet;

The new net achieves 100% accuracy on the test dataset:


{“Bolete”, “Bolete”, “Bolete”, “Bolete”, “Bolete”, “Bolete”, \
“Bolete”, “Bolete”, “Bolete”}


{“Morel”, “Morel”, “Morel”, “Morel”, “Morel”, “Morel”, “Morel”, \

Machine Learning Based Statistical Arbitrage

Previous Posts

I have written extensively about statistical arbitrage strategies in previous posts, for example:

Applying Machine Learning in Statistical Arbitrage

In this series of posts I want to focus on applications of machine learning in stat arb and pairs trading, including genetic algorithms, deep neural networks and reinforcement learning.

Pair Selection

Let’s begin with the subject of pairs selection, to set the scene. The way this is typically handled is by looking at historical correlations and cointegration in a large universe of pairs. But there are serious issues with this approach, as described in this post:

Instead I use a metric that I call the correlation signal, which I find to be a more reliable indicator of co-movement in the underlying asset processes. I wont delve into the details here, but you can get the gist from the following:

The search algorithm considers pairs in the S&P 500 membership and ranks them in descending order of correlation information. Pairs with the highest values (typically of the order of 100, or greater) tend to be variants of the same underlying stock, such as GOOG vs GOOGL, which is an indication that the metric “works” (albeit that such pairs offer few opportunities at low frequency). The pair we are considering here has a correlation signal value of around 14, which is also very high indeed.

Trading Strategy Development

We begin by collecting five years of returns series for the two stocks:

The first approach we’ll consider is the unadjusted spread, being the difference in returns between the two series, from which we crate a normalized spread “price”, as follows.

This methodology is frowned upon as the resultant spread is unlikely to be stationary, as you can see for this example in the above chart. But it does have one major advantage in terms of implementation: the same dollar value is invested in both long and short legs of the spread, making it the most efficient approach in terms of margin utilization and capital cost – other approaches entail incurring an imbalance in the dollar value of the two legs.

But back to nonstationarity. The problem is that our spread price series looks like any other asset price process – it trends over long periods and tends to wander arbitrarily far from its starting point. This is NOT the outcome that most statistical arbitrageurs are looking to achieve. On the contrary, what they want to see is a stationary process that will tend to revert to its mean value whenever it moves too far in one direction.

Still, this doesn’t necessarily determine that this approach is without merit. Indeed, it is a very typical trading strategy amongst futures traders for example, who are often looking for just such behavior in their trend-following strategies. Their argument would be that futures spreads (which are often constructed like this) exhibit clearer, longer lasting and more durable trends than in the underlying futures contracts, with lower volatility and market risk, due to the offsetting positions in the two legs. The argument has merit, no doubt. That said, spreads of this kind can nonetheless be extremely volatile.

So how do we trade such a spread? One idea is to add machine learning into the mix and build trading systems that will seek to capitalize on long term trends. We can do that in several ways, one of which is to apply genetic programming techniques to generate potential strategies that we can backtest and evaluate. For more detail on the methodology, see:

I built an entire hedge fund using this approach in the early 2000’s (when machine learning was entirely unknown to the general investing public). These days there are some excellent software applications for generating trading systems and I particularly like Mike Bryant’s Adaptrade Builder, which was used to create the strategies shown below:

Builder has no difficulty finding strategies that produce a smooth equity curve, with decent returns, low drawdowns and acceptable Sharpe Ratios and Profit Factors – at least in backtest! Of course, there is a way to go here in terms of evaluating such strategies and proving their robustness. But it’s an excellent starting point for further R&D.

But let’s move on to consider the “standard model” for pairs trading. The way this works is that we consider a linear model of the form

Y(t) = beta * X(t) + e(t)

Where Y(t) is the returns series for stock 1, X(t) is the returns series in stock 2, e(t) is a stationary random error process and beta (is this model) is a constant that expresses the linear relationship between the two asset processes. The idea is that we can form a spread process that is stationary:

Y(t) – beta * X(t) = e(t)

In this case we estimate beta by linear regression to be 0.93. The residual spread process has a mean very close to zero, and the spread price process remains within a range, which means that we can buy it when it gets too low, or sell it when it becomes too high, in the expectation that it will revert to the mean:

In this approach, “buying the spread” means purchasing shares to the value of, say, $1M in stock 1, and selling beta * $1M of stock 2 (around $930,000). While there is a net dollar imbalance in the dollar value of the two legs, the margin impact tends to be very small indeed, while the overall portfolio is much more stable, as we have seen.

The classical procedure is to buy the spread when the spread return falls 2 standard deviations below zero, and sell the spread when it exceeds 2 standard deviations to the upside. But that leaves a lot of unanswered questions, such as:

  • After you buy the spread, when should you sell it?
  • Should you use a profit target?
  • Where should you set a stop-loss?
  • Do you increase your position when you get repeated signals to go long (or short)?
  • Should you use a single, or multiple entry/exit levels?

And so on – there are a lot of strategy components to consider. Once again, we’ll let genetic programming do the heavy lifting for us:

What’s interesting here is that the strategy selected by the Builder application makes use of the Bollinger Band indicator, one of the most common tools used for trading spreads, especially when stationary (although note that it prefers to use the Opening price, rather than the usual close price):

Ok so far, but in fact I cheated! I used the entire data series to estimate the beta coefficient, which is effectively feeding forward-information into our model. In reality, the data comes at us one day at a time and we are required to re-estimate the beta every day.

Let’s approximate the real-life situation by re-estimating beta, one day at a time. I am using an expanding window to do this (i.e. using the entire data series up to each day t), but is also common to use a fixed window size to give a “rolling” estimate of beta in which the latest data plays a more prominent part in the estimation. The process now looks like this:

Here we use OLS to produce a revised estimate of beta on each trading day. So our model now becomes:

Y(t) = beta(t) * X(t) + e(t)

i.e. beta is now time-varying, as can be seen from the chart above.

The synthetic spread price appears to be stationary (we can test this), although perhaps not to the same degree as in the previous example, where we used the entire data series to estimate a single, constant beta. So we might anticipate that out ML algorithm would experience greater difficulty producing attractive trading models. But, not a bit of it – it turns out that we are able to produce systems that are just as high performing as before:

In fact this strategy has higher returns, Sharpe Ratio, Sortino Ratio and lower drawdown than many of the earlier models.


The purpose of this post was to show how we can combine the standard approach to statistical arbitrage, which is based on classical econometric theory, with modern machine learning algorithms, such as genetic programming. This frees us to consider a very much wider range of possible trade entry and exit strategies, beyond the rather simplistic approach adopted when pairs trading was first developed. We can deploy multiple trade entry levels and stop loss levels to manage risk, dynamically size the trade according to current market conditions and give emphasis to alternative performance characteristics such as maximum drawdown, or Sharpe or Sortino ratio, in addition to strategy profitability.

The programatic nature of the strategies developed in the way also make them very amenable to optimization, Monte Carlo simulation and stress testing.

This is but one way of adding machine learning methodologies to the mix. In a series of follow-up posts I will be looking at the role that other machine learning techniques – such as deep learning and reinforcement learning – can play in improving the performance characteristics of the classical statistical arbitrage strategy.

Can Machine Learning Techniques Be Used To Predict Market Direction? The 1,000,000 Model Test.

During the 1990’s the advent of Neural Networks unleashed a torrent of research on their applications in financial markets, accompanied by some rather extravagant claims about their predicative abilities.  Sadly, much of the research proved to be sub-standard and the results illusionary, following which the topic was largely relegated to the bleachers, at least in the field of financial market research.

With the advent of new machine learning techniques such as Random Forests, Support Vector Machines and Nearest Neighbor Classification, there has been a resurgence of interest in non-linear modeling techniques and a flood of new research, a fair amount of it supportive of their potential for forecasting financial markets.  Once again, however, doubts about the quality of some of the research bring the results into question.


Against this background I and my co-researcher Dan Rico set out to address the question of whether these new techniques really do have predicative power, more specifically the ability to forecast market direction.  Using some excellent MatLab toolboxes and a new software package, an Excel Addin called 11Ants, that makes large scale testing of multiple models a snap, we examined over 1,000,000 models and model-ensembles, covering just about every available non-linear technique.  The data set for our study comprised daily prices for a selection of US equity securities, together with a large selection of technical indicators for which some other researchers have claimed explanatory power.

In-Sample Equity Curve for Best Performing Nonlinear Model
In-Sample Equity Curve for Best Performing Nonlinear Model

The answer provided by our research was, without exception, in the negative: not one of the models tested showed any significant ability to predict the direction of any of the securities in our data set.  Furthermore, our study found that the best-performing models favored raw price data over technical indicator variables, suggesting that the latter have little explanatory power.

As with Neural Networks, the principal difficulty with non-linear techniques appears to be curve-fitting and a failure to generalize:  while it is very easy to find models that provide an excellent fit to in-sample data, the forecasting performance out-of-sample is often very poor.

Out-of-Sample Equity Curve for Best Performing Nonlinear Model
Out-of-Sample Equity Curve for Best Performing Nonlinear Model

Some caveats about our own research apply.  First and foremost, it is of course impossible to prove a hypothesis in the negative.  Secondly, it is plausible that some markets are less efficient than others:  some studies have claimed success in developing predictive models due to the (relative) inefficiency of the F/X and futures markets, for example.  Thirdly, the choice of sample period may be criticized:  it could be that the models were over-conditioned on a too- lengthy in-sample data set, which in one case ran from 1993 to 2008, with just two years (2009-2010) of out-of-sample data.  The choice of sample was deliberate, however:  had we omitted the 2008 period from the “learning” data set, it would be very easy to criticize the study for failing to allow the algorithms to learn about the exceptional behavior of the markets during that turbulent year.

Despite these limitations, our research casts doubt on the findings of some less-extensive studies, that may be the result of sample-selection bias.  One characteristic of the most credible studies finding evidence in favor of market predictability, such as those by Pesaran and Timmermann, for instance (see paper for citations), is that the models they employ tend to incorporate independent explanatory variables, such as yield spreads, which do appear to have real explanatory power.  The finding of our study suggest that, absent such explanatory factors, the ability to predict markets using sophisticated non-linear techniques applied to price data alone may prove to be as illusionary as it was in the 1990’s.



Systematic Futures Trading

In its proprietary trading, Systematic Strategies primary focus in on equity and volatility strategies, both low and high frequency. In futures, the emphasis is on high frequency trading, although we also run one or two lower frequency strategies that have higher capacity, such as the Futures WealthBuilder. The version of WealthBuilder running on the Collective 2 site has performed very well in 2017, with net returns of 30% and a Sharpe Ratio of 3.4:

Futures C2 oct 2017


In the high frequency space, our focus is on strategies with very high Sharpe Ratios and low drawdowns. We trade a range of futures products, including equity, fixed income, metals and energy markets. Despite the current low levels of market volatility, these strategies have performed well in 2017:

HFT Futures Oct 2017 (NFA)

Building high frequency strategies with double-digit Sharpe Ratios requires a synergy of computational capability and modeling know-how. The microstructure of futures markets is, of course, substantially different to that of equity or forex markets and the components of the model that include microstructure effects vary widely from one product to another. There can be substantial variations too in the way that time is handled in the model – whether as discrete or continuous “wall time”, in trade time, or some other measure. But some of the simple technical indicators we use – moving averages, for example – are common to many models across different products and markets. Machine learning plays a role in most of our trading strategies, including high frequency.

Here are some relevant blog posts that you may find interesting:

A Winer Process

No doubt many of you sharp-eyed readers will have spotted a spelling error, thinking I intended to refer to one of these:

Fig 1


But, in fact, I really did have in mind something more like this:


wine pour


We are following an example from the recently published Mathematica Beyond Mathematics by Jose Sanchez Leon, an up-to-date text that describes many of the latest features in Mathematica, illustrated with interesting applications. Sanchez Leon shows how Mathematica’s machine learning capabilities can be applied to the craft of wine-making.


We begin by loading a curated Wolfram dataset comprising measurements of the physical properties and quality of wines:

Fig 2

A Machine Learning Prediction Model for Wine Quality

We’re going to apply Mathematica’s built-in machine learning algorithms to train a predictor of wine quality, using the training dataset. Mathematica determines that the most effective machine learning technique in this case is Random Forest and after a few seconds produces the predictor function:

Fig 3


Mathematica automatically selects what it considers to be the best performing model from several available machine learning algorithms:

machine learning methods

Let’s take a look at how well the predictor perform on the test dataset of 1,298 wines:

Fig 4

We can use the predictor function to predict the quality of an unknown wine, based on its physical properties:

Fig 5

Next we create a function to predict the quality of an unknown wine as a function of just two of its characteristics, its pH and alcohol level.  The analysis suggests that the quality of our unknown wine could be improved by increasing both its pH and alcohol content:

Fig 6

Applications and Examples

This simple toy example illustrates how straightforward it is to deploy machine learning techniques in Mathematica.  Machine Learning and Neural Networks became a major focus for Wolfram Research in version 10, and the software’s capabilities have been significantly enhanced in version 11, with several applications such as text and sentiment analysis that have direct relevance to trading system development:

Fig 7

For other detailed examples see: