Outperforming Winton Capital

Winton Capital Management is a renowned quant fund and one of the world’s largest, most successful CTAs. The firm’s flagship investment strategy, the Winton Diversified Program, follows a systematic investment process that is based on statistical research to invest globally long and short, using leverage, in a diversified range of liquid instruments, including exchange traded futures, forwards, currency forwards traded over the counter, equity securities and derivatives linked to such securities.

The performance of the program over the last 19 years has been impressive, especially considering its size, which now tops around $13Bn in assets.

Winton1 Winton2

Source: CTA Performance

A Meta-Strategy to Beat Winton Capital

With that background, the idea of improving the exceptional results achieved by David Harding and his army of quants seems rather far fetched, but I will take a shot.  In what follows, I am assuming that we are permitted to invest and redeem an investment in the program at no additional cost, other than the stipulated fees.  This is, of course, something of a stretch, but we will make that assumption based on the further stipulation that we will make no more than two such trades per year.


The procedure we will follow has been described in various earlier posts – in particular see this post, in which I discuss the process of developing a Meta-Strategy:  Improving A Hedge Fund Investment – Cantab Capital’s Quantitative Aristarchus Fund

Using the performance data of the WDP from 1997-2012, we develop a meta-strategy that seeks to time an investment in the program, taking profits after reaching a specified profit target, which is based on the TrueRange, or after holding for a maximum of 8 months.  The key part of the strategy code is as follows:

If MarketPosition = 1 then begin
TargPrL = EntryPrice + TargFr * TrueRange;
Sell(“ExTarg-L”) next bar at TargPrL limit;

If Time >= TimeEx or BarsSinceEntry >= NBarEx1 or (BarsSinceEntry >= NBarEx3 and C > EntryPrice)
or (BarsSinceEntry >= NBarEx2 and C < EntryPrice) then
Sell(“ExMark-L”) next bar at market;

It appears that by timing an investment in the program we can improve the CAGR by around 0.86% per year, and with annual volatility that is lower by around 4.4% annually.  As a consequence, the Sharpe ratio of the meta-strategy is considerably higher:  1.14 vs 0.78 for the WDP.



Like most trend-following CTA strategies, Winton’s WDP has positive skewness, an attractive feature that means that the strategy has a preponderance of returns in the positive right tail of the distribution.  Also in common with most CTA strategies, on the other hand, the WDP suffers from periodic large drawdowns, in this case amounting to -25.73%.

The meta-strategy improves on the baseline profile of the WDP, increasing the positive skew, while substantially reducing downside risk, leading to a much lower maximum drawdown of -16.94%.


Despite its stellar reputation in the CTA world, investors could theoretically improve on the performance of Winton Capital’s flagship program by using a simple meta-strategy that times entry to and exit from the program using simple technical indicators.  The meta-strategy produces higher returns, lower volatility and with higher positive skewness and lower downside risk.

Pattern Trading


  • Pattern trading rules try to identify profit opportunities, based on short term price patterns.
  • An exhaustive test of simple pattern trading rules was conducted for several stocks, incorporating forecasts of the Open, High, Low and Close prices.
  • There is clear evidence that pattern trading rules continue to work consistently for many stocks.
  • Almost all of the optimal pattern trading rules suggest buying the stock if the close is below the mid-range of the day.
  • This “buy the dips” approach can sometimes be improved by overlaying additional conditions, or signals from forecasting models.


Trading Pattern Rules

From time to time one comes across examples of trading pattern rules that appear to work. By “pattern rule”, I mean something along the lines of: “if the stock closes below the open and today’s high is greater than yesterday’s high, then buy tomorrow’s open”.

Trading rules of this kind are typically one-of-a-kind oddities that only work for limited periods, or specific securities. But I was curious enough to want to investigate the concept of pattern trading, to see if there might be some patterns that are generally applicable and potentially worth trading.

To my surprise, I was able to find such a rule, which I will elaborate on in this article. The rule appears to work consistently for a wide range of stocks, across long time frames. While perhaps not interesting enough to trade by itself, the rule might provide some useful insight and, possibly, be combined with other indicators in a more elaborate trading strategy.

The original basis for this piece of research was the idea of using vector autoregression models to forecast the daily O/H/L/C prices of a stock. The underlying thesis is that there might be information in the historical values of these variables that, combined together, could produce more useful forecasts than, say, using close prices alone. In technical terms, we say that the O/H/L/C price series are cointegrated, which one might think of as a more robust kind of correlation: cointegrated series tend to continue to move together for some underlying economic reason, whereas series that are merely correlated will often see that purely statistical relationship break down. In this case the economic relationship between the O/H/L/C series is clear: the high price will always be greater than the low price, and the open and close prices will always lie between the two. Furthermore, the prices cannot drift arbitrarily far apart indefinitely, since volatility is finite and mean-reverting. So there is some kind of rationale for using a vector autoregression model in this context. But I don’t want to dwell on this idea too much, as it turns out to be useful only at the margin.


To keep it simple I decided to focus attention on simple pattern trades of the following kind:

If Rule1 and/or Rule2 then Trade

Rule1 and Rule2 are simple logical statements of the kind: “Today’s Open greater than yesterday’s Close”, or “today’s High below yesterday’s Low”. The trade can be expressed in combinations of the form “Buy today’s Open, Sell today’s Close”, or “Buy today’s Close, Sell tomorrow’s Close”.

In my model I had to consider rules combining not only the O/H/L/C prices from yesterday, today and tomorrow, but also forecast O/H/L/C prices from the vector autoregression model. This gave rise to hundreds of thousands of possibilities. A brute-force test of every one of them would certainly be feasible, but rather tedious to execute. And many of the possible rules would be redundant – for example a rule such as : “if today’s open is lower than today’s close, buy today’s open”. Rules of that kind will certainly make a great deal of money, but they aren’t practical, unfortunately!

To keep the number of possibilities to a workable number, I restricted the trading rule to the following: “Buy today’s close, sell tomorrow’s close”. Consequently, we are considering long-only trading strategies and we ignore any rules that might require us to short a stock.

I chose stocks with long histories, dating back to at least the beginning of the 1970’s, in order to provide sufficient data to construct the VAR model. Data from the period from Jan 1970 to Dec 2012 were used to estimate the model, and the performance of the various possible trading rules was evaluated using out-of-sample data from Jan 2013 to Jun 2014.

For ease of illustration the algorithms were coded up in MS-Excel (a copy of the Excel workbook is available on request). In evaluating trading rule performance an allowance was made of $1c per share in commission and $2c per share in slippage. Position size was fixed at 1,000 shares. Considering that the trading rules requires entry and exit at market close, a greater allowance for slippage may be required for some stocks. In addition, we should note the practical difficulties of trading a sizeable position at the close, especially in situations where the stock price may be very near to key levels such as the intra-day high or low that our trading rule might want to take account of.

As a further caveat, we should note that there is an element of survivor bias here: in order to fit this test protocol, stocks would have had to survive from the 1970’s to the present day. Many stocks that were current at the start of that period are no longer in existence, due to mergers, bankruptcies, etc. Excluding such stocks from the evaluation will tend to inflate the test results. It should be said that I did conduct similar tests on several now-defunct stocks, for which the outcomes were similar to those presented here, but a fully survivor-bias corrected study is beyond the scope of this article. With that caveat behind us, let’s take a look at some of the results.

Trading Pattern Analysis

Fig. 1 below shows the summary output from the test for the 3M Company (NYSE:MMM). At the top you can see the best trading rule that the system was able to find for this particular stock. In simple English, the rule tells you to buy today’s close in MMM and sell tomorrow’s close, if the stock opened below the forecast of yesterday’s high price and, in addition, the stock closed below the midrange of the day (the average of today’s high and low prices).

Fig. 1 Summary Analysis for MMM 

Fig 1

Source: Yahoo Finance.

The in-sample results from Jan 2000, summarized in left-hand table in Fig. 2 below, are hardly stellar, but do show evidence of a small, but significant edge, with total net returns of 165%, profit factor of 1.38 and % win rate of 54%. And while the trading rule is, ultimately, outperformed by a simple buy-and-hold strategy, after taking into account transaction costs, for extended periods (e.g. 2009-2012), investors would have been better off had they used the trading rule, because it successfully avoided the worst of the effects of the 2008/09 market crash.

Out-of-sample results, shown in the right-hand table, are less encouraging, but net returns are nonetheless positive and the % win rate actually increases to 55%.

Fig 2. Trade Rule Performance


Source: Yahoo Finance.

I noted earlier that the first part of our trading rule for MMM involved comparing the opening price to the forecast of yesterday’s high, produced by the vector autoregression model, while the second part of the trading rule references only the midrange and closing prices. How much added value does the VAR model provide? We can test this by eliminating the first part of the rule and considering all days in which the stock closed below the midrange. The results turn out to as shown in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3 Performance of Simplified Trading Rule 


Source: Yahoo Finance.

As expected, the in-sample results from our shortened trading rule are certainly inferior to the original rule, in which the VAR model forecasts played a role. But the out-of-sample performance of the simplified rule is actually improved – not only is the net return higher than before, so too is the % win rate, by a couple of percentage points.

A similar pattern emerges for many other stocks: in almost every case, our test algorithm finds that the best trading rule buys the close, based on a comparison of the closing price to the mid-range price. In some cases, the in-sample test results are improved by adding further conditions, such as we saw in the case of MMM. But, as with MMM, we often find that the additional benefit derived from use of the autoregression model forecasts fails to improve trading rule results in the out-of-sample period, and indeed often makes them worse.


In general, we find evidence that a simple trading rule based on a comparison of the closing price to the mid-range price appears to work for many stocks, across long time spans.

In a sense, this simple trading rule is already well known: it is just a variant of the “buy the dips” idea, where, in this case, we define a dip as being when the stock closes below the mid-range of the day, rather than, say, below a moving average level. The economic basis for this finding is also well known: stocks have positive drift. But it is interesting to find yet another confirmation of this well-known idea. And it leaves open the possibility that the trading concept could be further improved by introducing additional rules, trading indicators, and model forecasts to the mix.

A Primer on Genetic Programming

Posted by androidMarvin:

Genetic programming is an approach to letting the computer generate its own program code, rather than have a person write the program. It doesn’t specifically “find patterns” or rules within data structures. It starts with a number of randomly-constructed (as long as they are mathematically valid) sample programs, evaluates how close each one is to achieving what the desired result program should achieve, then steadily modifies the best matches to the desired target program in order to improve their match to the desired target; the original random attempts “evolve” towards a better match by natural selection, the best ones being selected to act as the basis for the next generation of attempts.

A tree representing a candidate formula could be represented as follows:

Genetic programming

It basically shows the mathematical operations that will be used in the formula, the order in which they are applied, and what values they act on. When the EL Verifier is analysing a statement like

value1 = sin( X ) / a + b * cos( X )

it has to see work out what order the parts of the statement should be evaluated in, which a person sees immediately; effectively, the Verifier constructs the tree diagram above, so that it knows that it has to generate code to make the computer :

  1. take the value of variable X and pass it through a call to the sin() functio
  2. take that result, and divide it by the value of a
  3. take the value of variable X and pass it through a call to the cos() functio
  4. take that result and multiply it by the value of variable
  5. take the result of step 2 and the result of step 4 and add the
  6. that result is the value of Y for the input value of X


Tradestation optimiser would take a single such tree, defining a fixed formula, and attempt to fit it to the data by varying the values of variables a and b. A Genetic Programming optimiser could do the same, but it also has the freedom to change the mathematical operators and the merge points in the tree, and change the shape of the tree to make the formula more or less complex as well; it can adjust both the parameters to the equation and the equation itself in order to evolve it to a better result.

For a mathematical curve fit, a GP optimiser would evaluate each individual tree by applying all the measured X values to the tree’s inputs, compare each output to the measured Y values, and sum a measure of the error over all the data; that sum would be the measure of how well the current tree matches the measure data. The “genetic” part of the name derives from the way it tries to evolve the population of trees its using to find the best.

The main evolution technique is “crossover”. When two parent animals create offspring, each offspring will get part of its DNA from one parent and part from the other; improvement of the species happens if some of the offspring get DNA component combinations that suit the environment better than their parents are suited. The GP optimiser emulates this process by selecting two parent trees, and swapping a section of one of those trees with a section of tree from the other parent, to create two offspring. Eg given parent trees


representing equations

value1 = sin( X )/a + b * cos( X )


value1 = cos( X ) / a + b * sin( X )

the offspring might be


representing equations

value1 = sin( X )/cos( X ) + b * cos( X )


value1 = a / a + b * sin( X )

Those specific changes are unlikely to both be an improvement, but that’s the way with random processes; the changes made aren’t guided by any sort of principle, its just a case of “change something, anything, and see if its any better”.

A secondary change process that can be used is “mutation”, in which something about a single tree is simply changed, not swapped. This is intended to introduce diversity, so that if none of the current trees is a particularly good performer, there’s a chance that something radically better might be brought into the pool.

The push trying to steer the evolution towards a better result comes from deciding which parents are allowed to create offspring. The original idea was that all the current trees were ranked in sorted order of their fitness, the worst ones were removed from the population to be replaced by new offspring, amd the trees that were the best performing are selected to be parents – so the weak die, and the strongest breed, hoping their offspring will be at least as good as the parents.

One reservation I have about a product like Adaptrade Builder is that it doesn’t follow this original pattern. It chooses “a few” (2 by default) trees to be considered as parents, by entering a “tournament” and the best tree in the tournament is selected as a parent. This seems to me to reduce the bias towards breeding strength with strength, but I’m no expert.

Rather than being simply mathematical, Builder seems to generate tests for entry and exit orders. It takes arithmetic and comparison operators for granted, and allows trees to be built from technical indicators rather than mathematical functions like sin() and cos(). So where an EL programmer might write

if average( Close, fast ) crosses above Average( ( High + Low )/2, slow ) and CCI( length ) > overbought then buy

Builder would have a tree

Genetic programming

from which an offspring might be generated as :

Genetic programming

to use a Buy test

if average( ( High + Low )/2, fast ) crosses above Average( Close, slow ) and CCI( length ) > overbought then buy

The structure of the test to go long has changed, but in a random rather than the guided way a human might do when trying to develop a strategy.