A New Approach to Generating Synthetic Market Data

The Importance of Synthetic Market Data

The principal argument in favor of using synthetic data is that it addresses one of the major concerns about using real data series for modelling purposes: i.e. that models designed to fit the historical data produce test results that are unlikely to be replicated, going forward. Such models are not robust to changes that are likely to occur in any dynamical statistical process and will consequently perform poorly out of sample.

By using multiple synthetic data series following a wide range of different price paths, one can hope to build models – both for risk management and investment purposes – that can accommodate a variety of different market scenarios, making them more likely to perform robustly in a live market context.

Producing authentic synthetic data is a significant challenge, one that has eluded researchers for many years. Generating artificial returns series is a considerably simpler task, but even here there are difficulties. For many applications it is simply not sufficient to sample from the empirical distribution, because we want to produce a sequence of returns that closely mirrors the pattern of real returns sequences. In particular, there may be long memory effects (non-zero autocorrelations at long lags) or GARCH effects, in which dependency is introduced into the returns process via the square (or absolute value) of returns. These have the effect of inducing “shocks” to the returns process that persist for some time, causing autocorrelation in the associated volatility process in the process.

But producing a set of synthetic stock price data is even more of a challenge because not only do the above do the above requirements apply, but we also need to ensure that the open, high, low and closing prices are internally consistent, i.e. that on any given bar the High >= {Open, Low and Close) and that the Low <= {Open, Close}. These basic consistency checks have been overlooked in the research thus far.

Econometric Methods

One classical approach to the problem would be to create a Vector Autoregression Model, in which lagged values of the Open, High, Low and Close prices are used to predict the current values (see here for a detailed exposition of the VAR approach). A compelling argument in favor of such models is that, almost by definition, O/H/L/C prices are necessarily cointegrated.

While a VAR model potentially has the ability to model long memory and even GARCH effects, it is unable to produce stock prices that are guaranteed to be consistent, in the sense defined above. Indeed, a failure rate of 35% or higher for basic consistency checks is typical for such a model, making the usefulness of the synthetic prices series highly questionable.

Another approach favored by some researchers is to stitch together sub-samples of the real data series in a varying time-order. This is applicable only to return series and, in any case, can introduce spurious autocorrelations, or overlook important dependencies in the data series. Besides these defects, it is challenging to produce a synthetic series that looks substantially different from the original – both the real and synthetic series exhibit common peaks and troughs, even if they occur in different places in each series.

Deep Learning  Generative Adversarial Networks

In a previous post I looked in some detail at TimeGAN, one of the more recent methods for producing synthetic data series introduced in a paper in 2019 by Yoon, et al (link here).

TimeGAN, which applies deep learning  Generative Adversarial Networks to create synthetic data series, appears to work quite well for certain types of time series. But in my research I found it be inadequate for the purpose of producing synthetic stock data, for three reasons:

(i) The model produces synthetic data of fixed window lengths and stitching these together to form a single series can be problematic.

(ii) The prices fail a significant percentage of the basic consistency tests, regardless of the number of epochs used to train the model

(iii) The methodology introduces spurious correlations in the associated returns process that do not correspond to anything found in real stock return series and which get more pronounced as training continues.

Another GAN model, DoppleGANger, introduced by Lin, et. al. in 2020 (paper here) seeks to improve on TimeGAN and claims “up to 43% better fidelity than baseline models”, including TimeGAN. However, in my research I found that, while DoppleGANger trains much more quickly than TimeGAN, it produces a consistency test failure rate exceeding 30%, even after training for 500,000 epochs.

For both TimeGAN and DoppleGANger, the researchers have tended to benchmark performance using classical data science metrics such as TSNE plots rather than the more prosaic consistency checks that a market data specialist would be interested in, while the more advanced requirements such as long memory and GARCH effects are passed by without a mention.

The conclusion is that current methods fail to provide an adequate means of generating synthetic price series for financial assets that are consistent and sufficiently representative to be practically useful.

The Ideal Algorithm for Producing Synthetic Data Series

What are we looking for in the ideal algorithm for generating stock prices? The list would include:

(i) Computational simplicity & efficiency. Important if we are looking to mass-produce synthetic series for a large number of assets, for a variety of different applications. Some deep learning methods would struggle to meet this requirement, even supposing that transfer learning is possible.

(ii) The ability to produce price series that are internally consistent (i.e High > Low, etc) in every case .

(iii) Should be able to produce a range of synthetic series that vary widely in their correspondence to the original price series. In some case we want synthetic price series that are highly correlated to the original; in other cases we might want to test our investment portfolio or risk control systems under extreme conditions never before seen in the market.

(iv) The distribution of returns in the synthetic series should closely match the historical series, being non-Gaussian and with “fat-tails”.

(v) The ability to incorporate long memory effects in the sequence of returns.

(vi) The ability to model GARCH effects in the returns process.

After researching the problem over the course of many years, I have at last succeeded in developing an algorithm that meets these requirements. Before delving into the mechanics, let me begin by illustrating its application.

Application of the Ideal Algorithm

In this demonstration I am using daily O/H/L/C prices for the S&P 500 index for the period from Jan 1999 to July 2022, comprising four price series over 5,297 daily periods.

Synthetic Price Series

Generating ten synthetic series using the algorithm takes around 2 seconds with parallelization. I chose to generate series of the same length as the original, although I could just as easily have produced shorter, or longer sequences.

The first task is to confirm that the synthetic data are internally consistent, and indeed is guaranteed to be so because of the way the algorithm is designed. For example, here are the first few daily bars from the first synthetic series:

This means, of course, that we can immediately plot the synthetic series in a candlestick chart, just as we did with the real data series, above.

While the real and synthetic series are clearly different, the pattern of peaks and troughs somehow looks recognizably familiar. So, too, is the upward drift in the series, which is this case carries the synthetic S&P 500 Index to a high above 10,000 in 2022. Obviously this is a much more bullish scenario that we have seen in reality. But in fact this is just one example taken from the more “optimistic” end of the spectrum of possibilities. An illustration from the opposite end of the spectrum is shown in the chart below, in which the Index moves sideways over the entire 23 year span, with several very large drawdowns of -20% or more:

A more typical scenario might look something like our third chart, below. Here, too, we see several very large drawdowns, especially in the period from 2010-2011, but there is also a general upward drift in the process that enables the Index to reach levels comparable to those achieved by the real series:

Price Correlations

Reflecting these very different price path evolutions, we observe large variation in the correlations between the real and synthetic price series. For example:

As these tables indicate, the algorithm is capable of producing replica series that either mimic the original, real price series very closely, or which show completely different behavior, as in the second example.

Dimensionality Reduction

For completeness, as have previous researchers, we apply t-SNE dimensionality reduction and plot the two-factor weightings for both real (yellow) and synthetic data (blue). We observe that while there is considerable overlap in reduced dimensional space, it is not as pronounced as for the synthetic data produced by TimeGAN, for instance. However, as previously explained, we are less concerned by this than we are about the tests previously described, which in our view provide a more appropriate analysis benchmark, so far as market data is concerned. Furthermore, for the reasons previously given, we want synthetic market data that in some cases tracks well beyond the range seen in historical price series.

Returns Distributions

Moving on, we next consider the characteristics of the returns in the synthetic series in comparison to the real data series, where returns are measured as the differences in the Log-Close prices, in the usual way.

Histograms of the returns for the most “optimistic” and “pessimistic” scenarios charted previously are shown below:

In both cases the distribution of returns in the synthetic series closely matches that of the real returns process and are clearly non-Gaussian, with an over-weighting in the distribution tails. A more detailed look at the distribution characteristics for the first four synthetic series indicates that there is a very good match to the real returns process in each case (the results for other series are very similar):

We observe that the minimum and maximum returns of the synthetic series sometimes exceed those of the real series, which can be a useful characteristic for risk management applications. The median and mean of the real and synthetic series are broadly similar, sometimes higher, in other cases lower. Only for the standard deviation of returns do we observe a systematic pattern, in which returns volatility in the synthetic series is consistently higher than in the real series.

This feature, I would argue, is both appropriate and useful. Standard deviations should generally be higher, because there is indeed greater uncertainty about the prices and returns in artificially generated synthetic data, compared to the real series. Moreover, this characteristic is useful, because it will impose a greater stress-test burden on risk management systems compared to simply drawing from the distribution of real returns using Monte Carlo simulation. Put simply, there will be a greater number of more extreme tail events in scenarios using synthetic data, and this will cause risk control parameters to be set more conservatively than they otherwise might. This same characteristic – the greater variation in prices and returns – will also pose a tougher challenge for AI systems that attempt to create trading strategies using genetic programming, meaning that any such strategies are more likely to perform robustly in a live trading environment. I will be returning to this issue in a follow-up post.

Returns Process Characteristics

In the following plot we take a look at the autocorrelations in the returns process for a typical synthetic series. These compare closely with the autocorrelations in the real returns series up to 50 lags, which means that any long memory effects are likely to be conserved.

Finally, when we come to consider the autocorrelations in the square of the returns, we observe slowly decaying coefficients over long lags – evidence of so-called GARCH effects – for both real and synthetic series:


Overall, we observe that the algorithm is capable of generating consistent stock price series that correlate highly with the real price series. It is also capable of generating price series that have low, or even negative, correlation, a feature that may have important applications in the context of risk management. The distribution of returns in the synthetic series closely match those of the real returns process, and moreover retain important features such as long memory and GARCH effects.

Objections to the Use of Synthetic Data

Criticism of synthetic market data (including from myself) has hitherto focused on the inadequacy of such data in terms of representing important characteristics of real data series. Now that such technical issues have been addressed, I will try to anticipate some of the additional concerns that are likely to surface, going forward.

  1. The Synthetic Data is “Unrealistic”

What is meant here is that there is no plausible set of real, economic factors that would be likely to combine in a way to produce the pattern of prices shown in some of the synthetic data series. The idea that, as observed in one of the artificial scenarios above, the Fed would stand idly by while the market plunged by 50% to 60%, seems highly implausible. Equally unlikely is a scenario in which the market moves sideways for an extended period of a decade, or longer.

To a limited extent, I would agree with this. However, just because such scenarios are currently unlikely doesn’t mean they can never happen. For instance, take a look at the performance of the S&P 500 Index over the period from 1966 through 1979:

The market index barely made any progress throughout the entire 13-year period, which was characterized by a vicious bout of stagflation. Note, too, the precipitous drop in the index following the oil shock in 1973.

So to say that such scenarios – however implausible they may appear to be – can never happen is simply mistaken.

Finally, let’s not forget that, while the focus of this article is on the US market index, there are many economies, such as Mexico, Brazil or Argentina, for which such adverse developments are much more credible than they might currently be for the United States. We may wish to produce synthetic data for the markets in such economies for modelling purposes, in which case we will want to generate synthetic data capturing the full range of possible market outcomes, including some of the worst-case scenarios.

2. Extreme Scenarios Occur Too Frequently in Synthetic Data

Actually this is not the case – the generator tends to produce extreme scenarios with a frequency that is plausible, given the history and characteristics of the underlying, real price process. But there can be good reasons for wanting to control the frequency of such scenarios.

For instance, an investment manager may be looking to develop a “long-only” investment portfolio because, given his investment remit, that is the only type of investment strategy permitted. He would likely want to limit his focus to the more benign market outcomes for two reasons: (i) his investment thesis is that the market is likely to perform well, going forward (or else how does he pitch his strategy to investors?) and (ii) while he accepts that he may be wrong, it is not his job to hedge a possible market downturn – the responsibility for dealing with an adverse outcome falls to his risk manager, or to the investor.

Conversely, a risk manager is much more likely to be interested in adverse scenarios and, if anything, is likely to want to see such outcomes over-represented in a sample of synthetic data.

The point is, there is no “correct” answer: one has to decide which types of scenarios best suit the application one has in mind and sample the data accordingly. This can be done in a variety of ways such as setting a minimum required correlation between the synthetic and real price series, or designing a system of stratified sampling in which the desired outcomes are sampled according to a stipulated frequency distribution.

3. Synthetic Data Does Not Prevent Data Snooping and Curve Fitting

A critic might argue that, in fact, the real market data is “unseen” only in a theoretical sense, since its essential attributes have been baked into the synthetic series produced by the generator. This applies to an even greater extent if the synthetic series are sampled in some way, as described above.

I think this is a fair point. To take an extreme scenario, one could choose to select only synthetic series for which the correlation with the real data is 99.9%, or higher. Clearly this runs counter to the spirit of what one is trying to achieve with synthetic data and one might just as well use real data for modelling purposes. In practice, of course, even where a sampling methodology is applied, it is unlikely to be as crudely biased as in this example.

But, in any case, what is the alternative? The only option I can see is one in which a pure mathematical model is used to produce synthetic data, without any reference to the underlying real series. But, in that case, how would one assess the validity of the model assumptions, or how representative the synthetic series it produces might be?

There is no alternative but to have recourse to the real data at some point in the modelling process. In this procedure, however, the impact of snooping bias or curve fitting, even though it can never be totally extinguished, is very much diminished and it plays a less central role in model development.


It is now possible to produce synthetic data series that have all of the hallmark characteristics of real price data. This permits the analyst to investigate market models without direct recourse to the real price series, thereby minimizing data snooping and curve fitting bias. Models developed using synthetic data describing many different price path evolutions are more likely to prove robust across a wider range of plausible market scenarios in the real world.

In the next, follow-up post I will illustrate the application of synthetic data to the development of a robust investment strategy.

DataScience| Handling Big Data

Handling Large Files in CSV format with NumPy and Pandas

One of the major challenges that users face when trying to do data science is how to handle big data. Leaving aside the important topic of database connectivity/functionality and the handling of data too large to fit in memory, my concern here is with the issue of how to handle large data files, which are often in csv format, but which are not too large to fit into available memory.

It is well known that, due to their generality, Mathematica’s Import and Export functions are horribly slow when handling large csv files. For example, writing out a list of 10 million 64-bit reals takes almost 5 minutes:

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and reading is also unacceptably slow:

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Performance results like these create the impression that Mathematica is suitable for handling only “toy” problems, rather than the kind of large and complex data challenges faced by data scientists in the real world.

Sure, you can speed this up with ReadLine, but not by much, after doing all the string processing. And while the mx binary file format speeds up data handling enormously, it doesn’t address the issue of how to get the data into the requisite file format, other than via the WL DumpSave function – in other words, the data already has to be in a Mathematica notebook in order to write an mx file.

With purely numerical data once way to address this by using non-proprietary binary file formats. For example, in Python we create a NumPy array and use the tofile() method to output the data in real64 binary format, in less then 2 seconds:

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Then in Mathematica the read process is equally fast when processing a file of numerical data in binary format, around 50x faster than the time taken to process the same file in csv format:

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The procedure is just as fast in the reverse direction, with binary data exports from Mathematica taking a fraction of the time required to process the same data in csv format (around 200x faster!):

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And the data is extremely fast read back in Python using the numpy fromfile method:

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This procedure is robust enough to accommodate missing data. For instance, let’s replace some of the values in our data array with np.nan values and export the file once again in binary format:

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Reading the binary file into Mathematica, we find no reduction in speed, as the np.nan values are stored as decimals, which are replaced by the value Indeterminate in the imported Mathematica array:

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So, for purely numerical data we have a fast and reliable procedure for transferring data between Python, R and Mathematica using binary format. This means that we can load very large csv files in Python, do some pre-processing in pandas and export the massaged data in binary format for further analysis in Mathematica, if required.

More Complex Data Structures: the HDF5 Format

A major step in the right direction has been achieved through the significant effort that WR has put into implementing the HDF5 binary file format standard in the Wolfram Language. This serves two purposes: firstly, it can speed up the storage and retrieval of large datasets, by orders of magnitudes (depending on the data type); secondly, unlike Wolfram’s proprietary mx file format, HDF5 is an open source format that can store large, complex & hierarchical datasets that are accessible via Python, R and MatLab, as well as other languages/platforms, including Mathematica. So, working with the same dataset as before, but using HDF5 format, we get an speed-up of around 500x on the file write and around 270x on the file read:

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Another major benefit of working in binary format is the enormous saving in disk storage, compared to csv:

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So it becomes feasible to envisage a workflow in which some pre-processing of a very large dataset in csv format takes place initially in e.g. Python Pandas, the results of which are exported to a HDF5 or binary format file for further processing in Mathematica.

This advance does a great deal to address some of the major concerns about using Mathematica for large data science projects. And I am not sure that users are necessarily aware of its significance, given all the hoopla over more glamorous features that tend to get all the attention in new version releases.