Python vs. Wolfram Language

Python vs. Wolfram Language

As an avid user of both Python and Wolfram Language for technical computing, I’m often asked how they compare. Python’s strengths as an open-source language are clear:

  • Ubiquity – With millions of users, Python has become ubiquitous across fields like data science, ML engineering, web development, and scientific research. This massive adoption fuels continuous enhancement of its tools.
  • Comprehensive capabilities – Python’s expansive ecosystem of 200,000+ libraries spans everything from numerical computing to web frameworks to industrial automation. It is a versatile, widely-supported language for building end-to-end applications.
  • Approachability – Python’s straightforward syntax, multitude of online resources, and abundance of machine learning libraries like TensorFlow and PyTorch make it highly accessible for new programmers and non-CS domain experts alike.
  • Interoperability – Python integrates smoothly with everything from SQL and NoSQL databases to enterprise IT environments and microcontrollers like Raspberry Pi. This flexibility enables diverse production deployments.

In summary, Python offers benefits in ubiquity, breadth, approachability, and seamless interoperability with external systems. Together, they show the value of domain-specific and general-purpose languages for tackling modern analytics and engineering challenges.

However, while Python is a versatile, open-source language popular among developers, the Wolfram Language offers some unique advantages:

Powerful Symbolic Capabilities

One of the most powerful aspects of the Wolfram Language is its unparalleled symbolic manipulation abilities for mathematical computation. Operations like symbolic integration, solving equations analytically, theorem proving, model simplification and more are built deeply into the language in a way no other programming language matches. Python can conduct numeric computation and data analysis well, but does not have this domain of symbolic capabilities natively.

For any usage involving abstract mathematical development, derivation of analytical results, or formal proofs, the symbolic nature of the Wolfram Language is a major differentiator.

Wolfram Notebooks

offer notable advantages over Jupyter notebooks in Python:

  • More visual appeal – The Wolfram notebooks produce beautifully typeset output and publication-ready visualizations by default, whereas Jupyter’s output is more basic.
  • Greater configurability – Wolfram’s notebooks allow extensive styling, templating, and customization of content for different applications. Jupyter also enables some configuration, but not to the same degree.
  • Tighter integration – The Wolfram notebooks leverage the language’s underlying functions and capabilities more fluidly since it’s one integrated environment. Jupyter interfaces well with Python but there is still some separation.
  • Interactivity – Wolfram notebooks support advanced interactivity through Manipulate/Animate and instant visual output.

    Overall, while Jupyter notebooks are hugely popular among Python developers and enable great functionality, Wolfram’s notebook solution stands out as more robust, customizable, and visually polished. The tight integration with the Wolfram Language and computational capabilities augments interactive analysis in a way Jupyter can’t match.

Integrated Knowledge and Data

The Wolfram Language stands out in providing an “integrated knowledge base” that spans from sophisticated algorithms to real-world data across domains. This includes vast curated datasets on topics from architecture to chemistry to finance that can readily feed models and analyses without additional wrangling.

Additionally, the entity store concept allows users to author their own object-based, customizable data repositories. Python’s classes are focused on methods rather than data and while Python offers strong libraries for storing and accessing data, Wolfram facilitates more zero-friction application of real-world knowledge and entity-oriented data storage out-of-the-box. For minimizing time manipulating data or searching for reference algorithms before modeling, Wolfram Language excels.

The entity store in particular enables a very natural object/entity-based programming style that can integrate smoothly with Wolfram’s class system and its underlying symbolic capabilities. This unique data representation system differentiation is a key strength (for example, see the Equities Entity Store).

Interactivity and Prototyping

The Wolfram Language excels in hands-on analysis and rapid iteration thanks to its line-by-line execution and built-in Manipulate/Animate functions for customizable graphics, animations and interactive simulations. Python does allow some interactivity in Jupyter notebooks, but does not match Wolfram’s capabilities for creating interactive visualizations on-the-fly. This makes Wolfram Language uniquely well-suited for highly iterative, prototyping tasks that involve visual output. If ease of exploration and fluid development is a priority, the Wolfram Language has clear strengths.

Seamless Parallelization

The Wolfram Language has seamless built-in parallelization capabilities that allow code to efficiently utilize multi-core systems without the developer needing to directly manage threads or processes. Python can achieve parallelism through libraries, but the developer bears responsibility for managing dependencies and avoiding conflicts. Similarly, the Wolfram Language directly interfaces with Nvidia GPUs out-of-the-box for high performance numerical code with minimal extra effort. Thus, for users focused on computational speedup, Wolfram simplifies parallelization and GPU integration in very useful ways.

Python libraries like TensorFlow and PyTorch do hide GPU complexities well for deep learning. But in general, achieving parallel execution in Python places a greater burden on the developer. Wolfram’s approach dramatically lowers the barriers to leveraging multiple cores and GPU power for everyday computations.

Sophisticated Visualization

Creating publication-quality, customized visualizations requires just lines of code in the Wolfram Language, thanks to the built-in graphics capabilities. While Python offers powerful visualization through add-on libraries like Matplotlib, Seaborn, Bokeh, and Plotly, Wolfram’s out-of-the-box solutions may provide greater ease of use. However, from low-level control to interactive web plots, Python’s visualization options are quite extensive despite requiring more setup. Ultimately, for rapid high-level plotting, Wolfram Language has advantageous default capabilities. But Python gives more flexibility and customization options through its ecosystem of graphic libraries.

In summary, while Python offers flexibility and a large user base – advantages in its own right – the Wolfram Language dramatically reduces lines of code and development time. By curating real-world data, algorithms, and visualization in one coherent language and platform, it streamlines and accelerates quantitative work for scientists, analysts, economists and more.

If you do significant data analysis or modeling, I encourage you to try the Wolfram Language and see the difference yourself. It’s been a gamechanger for my productivity.

Metaprogramming and the Future of the Wolfram Language

The Accelerating Pace of Functionality Development

With all the marvelous new functionality that we have come to expect with each release, it is sometimes challenging to maintain a grasp on what the Wolfram language encompasses currently, let alone imagine what it might look like in another ten years. Indeed, the pace of development appears to be accelerating, rather than slowing down. However, I predict that the “problem” is soon about to get much, much worse. What I foresee is a step change in the pace of development of the Wolfram Language that will produce in days and weeks, or perhaps even hours and minutes, functionality might currently take months or years to develop. So obvious and clear cut is this development that I have hesitated to write about it, concerned that I am simply stating something that is blindingly obvious to everyone. But I have yet to see it even hinted at by others, including Wolfram. I find this surprising, because it will revolutionize the way in which not only the Wolfram language is developed in future, but in all likelihood programming and language development in general.

Wolfram Language as an Object

The key to this paradigm shift lies in the following unremarkable-looking WL function WolframLanguageData[], which gives a list of all Wolfram Language symbols and their properties. So, for example, we have:




This means we can treat WL language constructs as objects, query their properties and apply functions to them, such as, for example:

WolframLanguageData[“Cos”, “RelationshipCommunityGraph”]

In other words, the WL gives us the ability to traverse the entirety of the WL itself, combining WL objects into expressions, or programs.

Metaprogramming & Genetic Programming

This process is one definition of the term “Metaprogramming”. What I am suggesting is that in future, much of the heavy lifting will be carried out, not by developers, but by WL programs designed to produce code by metaprogramming. If successful, such an approach could streamline and accelerate the development process, speeding it up many times and, eventually, opening up areas of development that are currently beyond our imagination (and, possibly, our comprehension). So how does one build a metaprogramming system? This is where I should hand off to a computer scientist (and will happily do so as soon as one steps forward to take up the discussion). But here is a simple outline of one approach.

The principal tool one might use for such a task is genetic programming:

WikipediaData[“Genetic Programming”]


Actually, one can take issue with this explanation on several fronts, in particular the suggestion that GP is used primarily as a means of generating a computer program for performing a predefined task. That may certainly be the case, but need not be. Leaving that aside, the idea in simple terms is that we write a program that traverses the WL structure in some way, splicing together language objects to create a WL program that “does something”. That “something” may be a predefined task and indeed this would be a great place to start: to write a GP Metaprogramming system that creates programs that replicate the functionality of existing WL functions. Most of the generated programs would likely be uninteresting, slower versions of existing functions; but it is conceivable, I suppose, that some of the results might be of academic interest, or indicate a potentially faster computation method, perhaps. However, the point of the exercise is to get started on the Metaprogramming project, with a simple(ish) task with very clear, pre-defined goals and producing results that are easily tested. In this case the “objective function” is a comparison of results produced by the inbuilt WL functions vs the GP-generated functions, across some selected domain for the inputs. I glossed over the question of exactly how one “traverses the WL structure” for good reason: I feel quite sure that there must have been tremendous advances in the theory of how to do this in the last 50 years. But just to get the ball rolling, one could, for instance, operate a dual search, with a local search evaluating all of the functions closely connected to the (randomly chosen) starting function (WL object, while a second “long distance” search routine jumps randomly to a group of functions some specified number of steps away from the starting function. [At this point I envisage the computer scientists rolling their eyes and muttering “doesn’t this idiot know about the {fill in the blank} theorem about efficient domain search algorithms?”]. Anyway, to continue.

The Wolfram One-Liner Competition as an Exercise in Metaprogramming

The initial exercise described above is about the mechanics of the process rather that the outcome. The second stage is much more challenging, as the goal is to develop new functionality, rather than simply to replicate what already exists. It would entail defining a much more complex objective function, as well as perhaps some constraints on program size, the number and types of WL objects used, etc. An interesting exercise, for example, would be to try to develop a metaprogramming system capable of winning the Wolfram One-Liner contest. Here, one might characterize the objective function as “something interesting and surprising”, and we would impose a tight constraint on the length of programs generated by the metaprogramming system to a single line of code. What is “interesting and surprising”? To be defined – that’s a central part of the challenge. But, in principle, I suppose one might try to train a neural network to classify whether or not a result is “interesting” based on the results of prior one-liner competitions.

From there, it’s on to the hard stuff: designing metaprogramming systems to produce WL programs of arbitrary length and complexity to do “interesting stuff” in a specific domain. That “interesting stuff” could be a more efficient approximation for a certain type of computation, a new algorithm for detecting certain patterns, or coming up with some completely novel formula or computational concept.

Conclusion:  the Challenge of Metaprogramming

Obviously one faces huge challenges with this undertaking; but the potential rewards are enormous in terms of accelerating the pace of language development and discovery. It is a fascinating area for R&D, one that the WL is ideally situated to exploit. Indeed, I would be mightily surprised to learn that there is not already a team engaged on just such research at Wolfram. If so, perhaps one of them could comment here?