Statistical Arbitrage with Synthetic Data

In my last post I mapped out how one could test the reliability of a single stock strategy (for the S&P 500 Index) using synthetic data generated by the new algorithm I developed.

Developing Trading Strategies with Synthetic Data

As this piece of research follows a similar path, I won’t repeat all those details here. The key point addressed in this post is that not only are we able to generate consistent open/high/low/close prices for individual stocks, we can do so in a way that preserves the correlations between related securities. In other words, the algorithm not only replicates the time series properties of individual stocks, but also the cross-sectional relationships between them. This has important applications for the development of portfolio strategies and portfolio risk management.


To illustrate this I will use synthetic daily data to develop a pairs trading strategy for the KO-PEP pair.

The two price series are highly correlated, which potentially makes them a suitable candidate for a pairs trading strategy.

There are numerous ways to trade a pairs spread such as dollar neutral or beta neutral, but in this example I am simply going to look at trading the price difference. This is not a true market neutral approach, nor is the price difference reliably stationary. However, it will serve the purpose of illustrating the methodology.

Historical price differences between KO and PEP

Obviously it is crucial that the synthetic series we create behave in a way that replicates the relationship between the two stocks, so that we can use it for strategy development and testing. Ideally we would like to see high correlations between the synthetic and original price series as well as between the pairs of synthetic price data.

We begin by using the algorithm to generate 100 synthetic daily price series for KO and PEP and examine their properties.


As we saw previously, the algorithm is able to generate synthetic data with correlations to the real price series ranging from below zero to close to 1.0:

Distribution of correlations between synthetic and real price series for KO and PEP

The crucial point, however, is that the algorithm has been designed to also preserve the cross-sectional correlation between the pairs of synthetic KO-PEP data, just as in the real data series:

Distribution of correlations between synthetic KO and PEP price series

Some examples of highly correlated pairs of synthetic data are shown in the plots below:

In addition to correlation, we might also want to consider the price differences between the pairs of synthetic series, since the strategy will be trading that price difference, in the simple approach adopted here. We could, for example, select synthetic pairs for which the divergence in the price difference does not become too large, on the assumption that the series difference is stationary. While that approach might well be reasonable in other situations, here an assumption of stationarity would be perhaps closer to wishful thinking than reality. Instead we can use of selection of synthetic pairs with high levels of cross-correlation, as we all high levels of correlation with the real price data. We can also select for high correlation between the price differences for the real and synthetic price series.

Strategy Development & WFO Testing

Once again we follow the procedure for strategy development outline in the previous post, except that, in addition to a selection of synthetic price difference series we also include 14-day correlations between the pairs. We use synthetic daily synthetic data from 1999 to 2012 to build the strategy and use the data from 2013 onwards for testing/validation. Eventually, after 50 generations we arrive at the result shown in the figure below:

As before, the equity curve for the individual synthetic pairs are shown towards the bottom of the chart, while the aggregate equity curve, which is a composition of the results for all none synthetic pairs is shown above in green. Clearly the results appear encouraging.

As a final step we apply the WFO analysis procedure described in the previous post to test the performance of the strategy on the real data series, using a variable number in-sample and out-of-sample periods of differing size. The results of the WFO cluster test are as follows:

The results are no so unequivocal as for the strategy developed for the S&P 500 index, but would nonethless be regarded as acceptable, since the strategy passes the great majority of the tests (in addition to the tests on synthetic pairs data).

The final results appear as follows:


We have demonstrated how the algorithm can be used to generate synthetic price series the preserve not only the important time series properties, but also the cross-sectional properties between series for correlated securities. This important feature has applications in the development of statistical arbitrage strategies, portfolio construction methodology and in portfolio risk management.

Developing Trading Strategies With Synthetic Data

One of the main criticisms levelled at systematic trading over the last few years is that the over-use of historical market data has tended to produce curve-fitted strategies that perform poorly out of sample in a live trading environment. This is indeed a valid criticism – given enough attempts one is bound to arrive eventually at a strategy that performs well in backtest, even on a holdout data sample. But that by no means guarantees that the strategy will continue to perform well going forward.

The solution to the problem has been clear for some time: what is required is a method of producing synthetic market data that can be used to build a strategy and test it under a wide variety of simulated market conditions. A strategy built in this way is more likely to survive the challenge of live trading than one that has been developed using only a single historical data path.

The problem, however, has been in implementation. Up until now all the attempts to produce credible synthetic price data have failed, for one reason or another, as I described in an earlier post:

I have been able to devise a completely new algorithm for generating artificial price series that meet all of the key requirements, as follows:

  • Computational simplicity & efficiency. Important if we are looking to mass-produce synthetic series for a large number of assets, for a variety of different applications. Some deep learning methods would struggle to meet this requirement, even supposing that transfer learning is possible.
  • The ability to produce price series that are internally consistent (i.e High > Low, etc) in every case .
  • Should be able to produce a range of synthetic series that vary widely in their correspondence to the original price series. In some case we want synthetic price series that are highly correlated to the original; in other cases we might want to test our investment portfolio or risk control systems under extreme conditions never before seen in the market.
  • The distribution of returns in the synthetic series should closely match the historical series, being non-Gaussian and with “fat-tails”.
  • The ability to incorporate long memory effects in the sequence of returns.
  • The ability to model GARCH effects in the returns process.

This means that we are now in a position to develop trading strategies without any direct reference to the underlying market data. Consequently we can then use all of the real market data for out-of-sample back-testing.

Developing a Trading Strategy for the S&P 500 Index Using Synthetic Market Data

To illustrate the procedure I am going to use daily synthetic price data for the S&P 500 Index over the period from Jan 1999 to July 2022. Details of the the characteristics of the synthetic series are given in the post referred to above.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Fig3-12.png

Because we want to create a trading strategy that will perform under market conditions close to those currently prevailing, I will downsample the synthetic series to include only those that correlate quite closely, i.e. with a minimum correlation of 0.75, with the real price data.

Why do this? Surely if we want to make a strategy as robust as possible we should use all of the synthetic data series for model development?

The reason is that I believe that some of the more extreme adverse scenarios generated by the algorithm may occur quite rarely, perhaps once in every few decades. However, I am principally interested in a strategy that I can apply under current market conditions and I am prepared to take my chances that the worst-case scenarios are unlikely to come about any time soon. This is a major design decision, one that you may disagree with. Of course, one could make use of every available synthetic data series in the development of the trading model and by doing so it is likely that you would produce a model that is more robust. But the training could take longer and the performance during normal market conditions may not be as good.

Having generated the price series, the process I am going to follow is to use genetic programming to develop trading strategies that will be evaluated on all of the synthetic data series simultaneously. I will then use the performance of the aggregate portfolio, i.e. the outcome of all of the trades generated by the strategy when applied to all of the synthetic series, to assess the overall performance. In order to be considered, candidate strategies have to perform well under all of the different market scenarios, or at least the great majority of them. This ensures that the strategy is likely to prove more robust across different types of market conditions, rather than on just the single type of market scenario observed in the real historical series.

As usual in these cases I will reserve a portion (10%) of each data series for testing each strategy, and a further 10% sample for out-of-sample validation. This isn’t strictly necessary: since the real data series has not be used directly in the development of the trading system, we can later test the strategy on all of the historical data and regard this as an out-of-sample backtest.

To implement the procedure I am going to use Mike Bryant’s excellent Adaptrade Builder software.

This is an exemplar of outstanding software engineering and provides a broad range of features for generating trading strategies of every kind. One feature of Builder that is particularly useful in this context is its ability to construct strategies and test them on up to 20 data series concurrently. This enables us to develop a strategy using all of the synthetic data series simultaneously, showing the performance of each individual strategy as well for as the aggregate portfolio.

After evolving strategies for 50 generations we arrive at the following outcome:

The equity curve for the aggregate portfolio is shown in blue, while the equity curves for the strategy applied to individual synthetic data series are shown towards the bottom of the chart. Of course, the performance of the aggregate portfolio appears much superior to any of the individual strategies, because it is effectively the arithmetic sum of the individual equity curves. And just because the aggregate portfolio appears to perform well both in-sample and out-of-sample, that doesn’t imply that the strategy works equally well for every individual market scenario. In some scenarios it performs better than in others, as can be observed from the individual equity curves.

But, in any case, our objective here is not to create a stock portfolio strategy, but rather to trade a single asset – the S&P 500 Index. The role of the aggregate portfolio is simply to suggest that we may have found a strategy that is sufficiently robust to work well across a variety of market conditions, as represented by the various synthetic price series.

Builder generates code for the strategies it evolves in a number of different languages and in this case we take the EasyLanguage code for the fittest strategy #77 and apply it to a daily chart for the S&P 500 Index – i.e. the real data series – in Tradestation, with the following results:

The strategy appears to work well “out-of-the-box”, i,e, without any further refinement. So our quest for a robust strategy appears to have been quite successful, given that none of the 23-year span of real market data on which the strategy was tested was used in the development process.

We can take the process a little further, however, by “optimizing” the strategy. Traditionally this would mean finding the optimal set of parameters that produces the highest net profit on the test data. But this would be curve fitting in the worst possible sense, and is not at all what I am suggesting.

Instead we use a procedure known as Walk Forward Optimization (WFO), as described in this post:

The goal of WFO is not to curve-fit the best parameters, which would entirely defeat the object of using synthetic data. Instead, its purpose is to test the robustness of the strategy. We accomplish this by using a sequence of overlapping in-sample and out-of-sample periods to evaluate how well the strategy stands up, assuming the parameters are optimized on in-sample periods of varying size and start date and tested of similarly varying out-of-sample periods. A strategy that fails a cluster of such tests is unlikely to prove robust in live trading. A strategy that passes a test cluster at least demonstrates some capability to perform well in different market regimes.

To some extent we might regard such a test as unnecessary, given that the strategy has already been observed to perform well under several different market conditions, encapsulated in the different synthetic price series, in addition to the real historical price series. Nonetheless, we conduct a WFO cluster test to further evaluate the robustness of the strategy.

As the goal of the procedure is not to maximize the theoretical profitability of the strategy, but rather to evaluate its robustness, we select a criterion other than net profit as the factor to optimize. Specifically, we select the sum of the areas of the strategy drawdowns as the quantity to minimize (by maximizing the inverse of the sum of drawdown areas, which amounts to the same thing). This requires a little explanation.

If we look at the strategy drawdown periods of the equity curve, we observe several periods (highlighted in red) in which the strategy was underwater:

The area of each drawdown represents the length and magnitude of the drawdown and our goal here is to minimize the sum of these areas, so that we reduce both the total duration and severity of strategy drawdowns.

In each WFO test we use different % of OOS data and a different number of runs, assessing the performance of the strategy on a battery of different criteria:


These criteria not only include overall profitability, but also factors such as parameter stability, profit consistency in each test, the ratio of in-sample to out-of-sample profits, etc. In other words, this WFO cluster analysis is not about profit maximization, but robustness evaluation, as assessed by these several different metrics. And in this case the strategy passes every test with flying colors:

Other than validating the robustness of the strategy’s performance, the overall effect of the procedure is to slightly improve the equity curve by diminishing the magnitude and duration of the drawdown periods:


We have shown how, by using synthetic price series, we can build a robust trading strategy that performs well under a variety of different market conditions, including on previously “unseen” historical market data. Further analysis using cluster WFO tests strengthens the assessment of the strategy’s robustness.

A New Approach to Generating Synthetic Market Data

The Importance of Synthetic Market Data

The principal argument in favor of using synthetic data is that it addresses one of the major concerns about using real data series for modelling purposes: i.e. that models designed to fit the historical data produce test results that are unlikely to be replicated, going forward. Such models are not robust to changes that are likely to occur in any dynamical statistical process and will consequently perform poorly out of sample.

By using multiple synthetic data series following a wide range of different price paths, one can hope to build models – both for risk management and investment purposes – that can accommodate a variety of different market scenarios, making them more likely to perform robustly in a live market context.

Producing authentic synthetic data is a significant challenge, one that has eluded researchers for many years. Generating artificial returns series is a considerably simpler task, but even here there are difficulties. For many applications it is simply not sufficient to sample from the empirical distribution, because we want to produce a sequence of returns that closely mirrors the pattern of real returns sequences. In particular, there may be long memory effects (non-zero autocorrelations at long lags) or GARCH effects, in which dependency is introduced into the returns process via the square (or absolute value) of returns. These have the effect of inducing “shocks” to the returns process that persist for some time, causing autocorrelation in the associated volatility process in the process.

But producing a set of synthetic stock price data is even more of a challenge because not only do the above do the above requirements apply, but we also need to ensure that the open, high, low and closing prices are internally consistent, i.e. that on any given bar the High >= {Open, Low and Close) and that the Low <= {Open, Close}. These basic consistency checks have been overlooked in the research thus far.

Econometric Methods

One classical approach to the problem would be to create a Vector Autoregression Model, in which lagged values of the Open, High, Low and Close prices are used to predict the current values (see here for a detailed exposition of the VAR approach). A compelling argument in favor of such models is that, almost by definition, O/H/L/C prices are necessarily cointegrated.

While a VAR model potentially has the ability to model long memory and even GARCH effects, it is unable to produce stock prices that are guaranteed to be consistent, in the sense defined above. Indeed, a failure rate of 35% or higher for basic consistency checks is typical for such a model, making the usefulness of the synthetic prices series highly questionable.

Another approach favored by some researchers is to stitch together sub-samples of the real data series in a varying time-order. This is applicable only to return series and, in any case, can introduce spurious autocorrelations, or overlook important dependencies in the data series. Besides these defects, it is challenging to produce a synthetic series that looks substantially different from the original – both the real and synthetic series exhibit common peaks and troughs, even if they occur in different places in each series.

Deep Learning  Generative Adversarial Networks

In a previous post I looked in some detail at TimeGAN, one of the more recent methods for producing synthetic data series introduced in a paper in 2019 by Yoon, et al (link here).

TimeGAN, which applies deep learning  Generative Adversarial Networks to create synthetic data series, appears to work quite well for certain types of time series. But in my research I found it be inadequate for the purpose of producing synthetic stock data, for three reasons:

(i) The model produces synthetic data of fixed window lengths and stitching these together to form a single series can be problematic.

(ii) The prices fail a significant percentage of the basic consistency tests, regardless of the number of epochs used to train the model

(iii) The methodology introduces spurious correlations in the associated returns process that do not correspond to anything found in real stock return series and which get more pronounced as training continues.

Another GAN model, DoppleGANger, introduced by Lin, et. al. in 2020 (paper here) seeks to improve on TimeGAN and claims “up to 43% better fidelity than baseline models”, including TimeGAN. However, in my research I found that, while DoppleGANger trains much more quickly than TimeGAN, it produces a consistency test failure rate exceeding 30%, even after training for 500,000 epochs.

For both TimeGAN and DoppleGANger, the researchers have tended to benchmark performance using classical data science metrics such as TSNE plots rather than the more prosaic consistency checks that a market data specialist would be interested in, while the more advanced requirements such as long memory and GARCH effects are passed by without a mention.

The conclusion is that current methods fail to provide an adequate means of generating synthetic price series for financial assets that are consistent and sufficiently representative to be practically useful.

The Ideal Algorithm for Producing Synthetic Data Series

What are we looking for in the ideal algorithm for generating stock prices? The list would include:

(i) Computational simplicity & efficiency. Important if we are looking to mass-produce synthetic series for a large number of assets, for a variety of different applications. Some deep learning methods would struggle to meet this requirement, even supposing that transfer learning is possible.

(ii) The ability to produce price series that are internally consistent (i.e High > Low, etc) in every case .

(iii) Should be able to produce a range of synthetic series that vary widely in their correspondence to the original price series. In some case we want synthetic price series that are highly correlated to the original; in other cases we might want to test our investment portfolio or risk control systems under extreme conditions never before seen in the market.

(iv) The distribution of returns in the synthetic series should closely match the historical series, being non-Gaussian and with “fat-tails”.

(v) The ability to incorporate long memory effects in the sequence of returns.

(vi) The ability to model GARCH effects in the returns process.

After researching the problem over the course of many years, I have at last succeeded in developing an algorithm that meets these requirements. Before delving into the mechanics, let me begin by illustrating its application.

Application of the Ideal Algorithm

In this demonstration I am using daily O/H/L/C prices for the S&P 500 index for the period from Jan 1999 to July 2022, comprising four price series over 5,297 daily periods.

Synthetic Price Series

Generating ten synthetic series using the algorithm takes around 2 seconds with parallelization. I chose to generate series of the same length as the original, although I could just as easily have produced shorter, or longer sequences.

The first task is to confirm that the synthetic data are internally consistent, and indeed is guaranteed to be so because of the way the algorithm is designed. For example, here are the first few daily bars from the first synthetic series:

This means, of course, that we can immediately plot the synthetic series in a candlestick chart, just as we did with the real data series, above.

While the real and synthetic series are clearly different, the pattern of peaks and troughs somehow looks recognizably familiar. So, too, is the upward drift in the series, which is this case carries the synthetic S&P 500 Index to a high above 10,000 in 2022. Obviously this is a much more bullish scenario that we have seen in reality. But in fact this is just one example taken from the more “optimistic” end of the spectrum of possibilities. An illustration from the opposite end of the spectrum is shown in the chart below, in which the Index moves sideways over the entire 23 year span, with several very large drawdowns of -20% or more:

A more typical scenario might look something like our third chart, below. Here, too, we see several very large drawdowns, especially in the period from 2010-2011, but there is also a general upward drift in the process that enables the Index to reach levels comparable to those achieved by the real series:

Price Correlations

Reflecting these very different price path evolutions, we observe large variation in the correlations between the real and synthetic price series. For example:

As these tables indicate, the algorithm is capable of producing replica series that either mimic the original, real price series very closely, or which show completely different behavior, as in the second example.

Dimensionality Reduction

For completeness, as have previous researchers, we apply t-SNE dimensionality reduction and plot the two-factor weightings for both real (yellow) and synthetic data (blue). We observe that while there is considerable overlap in reduced dimensional space, it is not as pronounced as for the synthetic data produced by TimeGAN, for instance. However, as previously explained, we are less concerned by this than we are about the tests previously described, which in our view provide a more appropriate analysis benchmark, so far as market data is concerned. Furthermore, for the reasons previously given, we want synthetic market data that in some cases tracks well beyond the range seen in historical price series.

Returns Distributions

Moving on, we next consider the characteristics of the returns in the synthetic series in comparison to the real data series, where returns are measured as the differences in the Log-Close prices, in the usual way.

Histograms of the returns for the most “optimistic” and “pessimistic” scenarios charted previously are shown below:

In both cases the distribution of returns in the synthetic series closely matches that of the real returns process and are clearly non-Gaussian, with an over-weighting in the distribution tails. A more detailed look at the distribution characteristics for the first four synthetic series indicates that there is a very good match to the real returns process in each case (the results for other series are very similar):

We observe that the minimum and maximum returns of the synthetic series sometimes exceed those of the real series, which can be a useful characteristic for risk management applications. The median and mean of the real and synthetic series are broadly similar, sometimes higher, in other cases lower. Only for the standard deviation of returns do we observe a systematic pattern, in which returns volatility in the synthetic series is consistently higher than in the real series.

This feature, I would argue, is both appropriate and useful. Standard deviations should generally be higher, because there is indeed greater uncertainty about the prices and returns in artificially generated synthetic data, compared to the real series. Moreover, this characteristic is useful, because it will impose a greater stress-test burden on risk management systems compared to simply drawing from the distribution of real returns using Monte Carlo simulation. Put simply, there will be a greater number of more extreme tail events in scenarios using synthetic data, and this will cause risk control parameters to be set more conservatively than they otherwise might. This same characteristic – the greater variation in prices and returns – will also pose a tougher challenge for AI systems that attempt to create trading strategies using genetic programming, meaning that any such strategies are more likely to perform robustly in a live trading environment. I will be returning to this issue in a follow-up post.

Returns Process Characteristics

In the following plot we take a look at the autocorrelations in the returns process for a typical synthetic series. These compare closely with the autocorrelations in the real returns series up to 50 lags, which means that any long memory effects are likely to be conserved.

Finally, when we come to consider the autocorrelations in the square of the returns, we observe slowly decaying coefficients over long lags – evidence of so-called GARCH effects – for both real and synthetic series:


Overall, we observe that the algorithm is capable of generating consistent stock price series that correlate highly with the real price series. It is also capable of generating price series that have low, or even negative, correlation, a feature that may have important applications in the context of risk management. The distribution of returns in the synthetic series closely match those of the real returns process, and moreover retain important features such as long memory and GARCH effects.

Objections to the Use of Synthetic Data

Criticism of synthetic market data (including from myself) has hitherto focused on the inadequacy of such data in terms of representing important characteristics of real data series. Now that such technical issues have been addressed, I will try to anticipate some of the additional concerns that are likely to surface, going forward.

  1. The Synthetic Data is “Unrealistic”

What is meant here is that there is no plausible set of real, economic factors that would be likely to combine in a way to produce the pattern of prices shown in some of the synthetic data series. The idea that, as observed in one of the artificial scenarios above, the Fed would stand idly by while the market plunged by 50% to 60%, seems highly implausible. Equally unlikely is a scenario in which the market moves sideways for an extended period of a decade, or longer.

To a limited extent, I would agree with this. However, just because such scenarios are currently unlikely doesn’t mean they can never happen. For instance, take a look at the performance of the S&P 500 Index over the period from 1966 through 1979:

The market index barely made any progress throughout the entire 13-year period, which was characterized by a vicious bout of stagflation. Note, too, the precipitous drop in the index following the oil shock in 1973.

So to say that such scenarios – however implausible they may appear to be – can never happen is simply mistaken.

Finally, let’s not forget that, while the focus of this article is on the US market index, there are many economies, such as Mexico, Brazil or Argentina, for which such adverse developments are much more credible than they might currently be for the United States. We may wish to produce synthetic data for the markets in such economies for modelling purposes, in which case we will want to generate synthetic data capturing the full range of possible market outcomes, including some of the worst-case scenarios.

2. Extreme Scenarios Occur Too Frequently in Synthetic Data

Actually this is not the case – the generator tends to produce extreme scenarios with a frequency that is plausible, given the history and characteristics of the underlying, real price process. But there can be good reasons for wanting to control the frequency of such scenarios.

For instance, an investment manager may be looking to develop a “long-only” investment portfolio because, given his investment remit, that is the only type of investment strategy permitted. He would likely want to limit his focus to the more benign market outcomes for two reasons: (i) his investment thesis is that the market is likely to perform well, going forward (or else how does he pitch his strategy to investors?) and (ii) while he accepts that he may be wrong, it is not his job to hedge a possible market downturn – the responsibility for dealing with an adverse outcome falls to his risk manager, or to the investor.

Conversely, a risk manager is much more likely to be interested in adverse scenarios and, if anything, is likely to want to see such outcomes over-represented in a sample of synthetic data.

The point is, there is no “correct” answer: one has to decide which types of scenarios best suit the application one has in mind and sample the data accordingly. This can be done in a variety of ways such as setting a minimum required correlation between the synthetic and real price series, or designing a system of stratified sampling in which the desired outcomes are sampled according to a stipulated frequency distribution.

3. Synthetic Data Does Not Prevent Data Snooping and Curve Fitting

A critic might argue that, in fact, the real market data is “unseen” only in a theoretical sense, since its essential attributes have been baked into the synthetic series produced by the generator. This applies to an even greater extent if the synthetic series are sampled in some way, as described above.

I think this is a fair point. To take an extreme scenario, one could choose to select only synthetic series for which the correlation with the real data is 99.9%, or higher. Clearly this runs counter to the spirit of what one is trying to achieve with synthetic data and one might just as well use real data for modelling purposes. In practice, of course, even where a sampling methodology is applied, it is unlikely to be as crudely biased as in this example.

But, in any case, what is the alternative? The only option I can see is one in which a pure mathematical model is used to produce synthetic data, without any reference to the underlying real series. But, in that case, how would one assess the validity of the model assumptions, or how representative the synthetic series it produces might be?

There is no alternative but to have recourse to the real data at some point in the modelling process. In this procedure, however, the impact of snooping bias or curve fitting, even though it can never be totally extinguished, is very much diminished and it plays a less central role in model development.


It is now possible to produce synthetic data series that have all of the hallmark characteristics of real price data. This permits the analyst to investigate market models without direct recourse to the real price series, thereby minimizing data snooping and curve fitting bias. Models developed using synthetic data describing many different price path evolutions are more likely to prove robust across a wider range of plausible market scenarios in the real world.

In the next, follow-up post I will illustrate the application of synthetic data to the development of a robust investment strategy.

Backtest vs. Trading Reality

Kris Sidial, whose Twitter posts are often interesting, recently posted about the reality of trading profitability vs backtest performance, as follows:

While I certainly agree that the latter example is more representative of a typical trader’s P&L, I don’t concur that the first P&L curve is necessarily “99.9% garbage”. There are many strategies that have equity curves that are smoother and more monotonic than those of Kris’s Skeleton Case V2 strategy. Admittedly, most of these lie in the area of high frequency, which is not Kris’s domain expertise. But there are also lower frequency strategies that produce results which are not dissimilar to those shown the first chart.

As a case in point, consider the following strategy for the S&P 500 E-Mini futures contract, described in more detail below. The strategy was developed using 15-minute bar data from 1999 to 2012, and traded live thereafter. The live and backtest performance characteristics are almost indistinguishable, not only in terms of rate of profit, but also in regard to strategy characteristics such as the no. of trades, % win rate and profit factor.

Just in case you think the picture is a little too rosy, I would point out that the average profit factor is 1.25, which means that the strategy is generating only 25% more in profits than losses. There will be big losing trades from time to time and long sequences of losses during which the strategy appears to have broken down. It takes discipline to resist the temptation to “fix” the strategy during extended drawdowns and instead rely on reversion to the mean rate of performance over the long haul. One source of comfort to the trader through such periods is that the 60% win rate means that the majority of trades are profitable.

As you read through the replies to Kris’s post, you will see that several of his readers make the point that strategies with highly attractive equity curves and performance characteristics are typically capital constrained. This is true in the case of this strategy, which I trade with a very modest amount of (my own) capital. Even trading one-lots in the E-Mini futures I occasionally experience missed trades, either on entry or exit, due to limit orders not being filled at the high or low of a bar. In scaling the strategy up to something more meaningful such as a 10-lot, there would be multiple partial fills to deal with. But I think it would be a mistake to abandon a high performing strategy such as this just because of an apparent capacity constraint. There are several approaches one can explore to address the issue, which may be enough to make the strategy scalable.

Where (as here) the issue of scalability relates to the strategy fill rate on limit orders, a good starting point is to compute the extreme hit rate, which is the proportion of trades that take place at the high or low of the bar. As a rule of thumb, for strategies running on typical low frequency infrastructure an extreme hit rate of 10% or less is manageable; anything above that level quickly becomes problematic. If the extreme hit rate is very high, e.g. 25% or more, then you are going to have to pay a great deal of attention to the issues of latency and order priority to make the strategy viable in practise. Ultimately, for a high frequency market making strategy, most orders are filled at the extreme of each “bar”, so almost all of the focus in on minimizing latency and maintaining a high queue priority, with all of the attendant concerns regarding trading hardware, software and infrastructure.

Next, you need a strategy for handling missed trades. You could, for example, decide to skip any entry trades that are missed, while manually entering unfilled exit trades at the market. Or you could post market orders for both entry and exit trades if they are not filled. An extreme solution would be to substitute market-if-touched orders for limit orders in your strategy code. But this would affect all orders generated by the system, not just the 10% at the high or low of the bar and is likely to have a very adverse affect on overall profitability, especially if the average trade is low (because you are paying an extra tick on entry and exit of every trade).

The above suggests that you are monitoring the strategy manually, running simulation and live versions side by side, so that you can pick up any trades that the strategy should have taken, but which have been missed. This may be practical for a strategy that trades during regular market hours, but not for one that also trades the overnight session.

An alternative approach, one that is commonly applied by systematic traders, is to automate the handling of missed trades. Typically the trader will set a parameter that converts a limit order to a market order X seconds after a limit price has been traded but not filled. Of course, this will result in paying up an extra tick (or more) to enter trades that perhaps would have been filled if one had waited longer than X seconds. It will have some negative impact on strategy profitability, but not too much if the extreme hit rate is low. I tend to use this method for exit trades, preferring to skip any entry trades that don’t get filled at the limit price.

Beyond these simple measures, there are several other ways to extend the capacity of the strategy. An obvious place to start is by evaluating strategy performance on different session times and bar lengths. So, in this case, we might look at deploying the strategy on both the day and night sessions. We can also evaluate performance on bars of different length. This will give different entry and exit points for individual trades and trades that are at the extreme of a bar on one timeframe may not be at the high or low of a bar on the other timescale. For example, here is the (simulated) performance of the strategy on 13 minute bars:

There is a reason for choosing a bar interval such as 13 minutes, rather than the more commonplace 5- or 10 minutes, as explained in this post:

Finally, it is worth exploring whether the strategy can be applied to other related markets such as NQ futures, for example. Typically this will entail some change to the strategy code to reflect the difference in price levels, but the thrust of the strategy logic will be similar. Another approach is to use the signals from the current strategy as inputs – i.e. alpha generators – for a derivative strategy, such as trading the SPY ETF based on signals from the ES strategy. The performance of the derived strategy may not be as good, but in a product like SPY the capacity might be larger.

A Study in Gold

I want to take a look at a trading strategy in the GDX Gold ETF that has attracted quite a lot of attention, stemming from Jay Kaeppel’s article: The Greatest Gold Stock System You’ll Probably Never Use .

The essence of the approach is that GDX has reliably tended to trade off during the day session, after making gains in the overnight session. One possible explanation for the phenomenon is offer by Adrian Douglas in his article Gold Market is not “Fixed”, it’s Rigged in which he takes issue with the London Fixing mechanism used to set the daily price of gold

In any event there has been a long-term opportunity to exploit what appears to be a market inefficiency using an extremely simple trading rule, as described by Oddmund Grotte (see

1) If GDX rises from the open to the close more than 0.1%, buy on the close and exit on the opening next day.
2) If GDX rises from the open to the close more than 0.1% the day before, sell short on the opening and exit on the close (you have to both sell your position from number 1 but also short some more).


Unfortunately this simple strategy has recently begun to fail, producing (substantial) negative returns since June 2013. So I have been experimenting with a number of closely-related strategies and have created a simple Excel workbook to evaluate them. First, a little notation:
RCO = Return from prior close to market open
ROC = return from open to close
RCC = Return from close to close

I also use the suffix “m1” to denote the prior period’s return. So, for example, ROCm1 is yesterday’s return, measured from open to close. And I use the slash symbol “/” to denote dependency. So, for instance, RCO/ROCm1 means the return from today’s open to close, given the return from open to close yesterday.

In the accompanying workbook I look at several possible, closely related trading rules, and evaluate their performance over time. The basic daily data spans the period from May 2006 to July 2013 and in shown in columns A-H of the workbook. Columns I-K show the daily RCO, ROC and RCC returns. The returns for three different strategies are shown in columns L, N and P, and the cumulative returns for each are shown in columns M, N and Q, respectively.

The trading rules for each of the strategies are as follows:

COL L: RCO/ROCm1>0.5%. Which means: buy GDX at the close if the intra-day return from open to close exceeds 0.5%, and hold overnight until the following morning.

COL N: ROC/ROCm1>1%. Which means: sell GDX at today’s open if the intra-day return from open to close on the preceding day exceeds 1% and buy at today’s close.

COL P: ROC/RCCm1>1%. Which means: sell GDX at today’s open if the return from close to close on the preceding day exceeds 1% and buy at today’s close.

COL R shows returns from a blended strategy which combines the returns from the strategies in columns N and P on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays only (i.e. assuming no trading on Wednesdays or Fridays). The cumulative returns from this hybrid strategy are shown in column S.

We can now present the results from the four strategies, over the 7 year period from May 2006 to July 2013, as shown in the chart and table below. On their face, the results are impressive: all four strategies have Sharpe ratios in excess of 3, with the blended strategy having a Sharpe of 4.57, while the daily win rates average around 60%.

Cumulative Returns

Performance Stats

How well do these strategies hold up over time? You can monitor their performance as you move through time by clicking on the scrollbar control in COL U of the workbook. As you do so, the start date of the strategies is rolled forward, and the table of performance results is updated to include results from the new start date, ignoring any prior data.

As you can see, all of the strategies continue to perform well into the latter part of 2010. At that point, the performance of the first strategy begins to decline precipitously, although the remaining three strategies continue to do well. By mid-2012, the first strategy is showing negative performance, while the Sharpe ratios of the remaining strategies begin to decline. As we reach the end of Q1, 2013, only the Sharpe ratio of the ROC/RCCm1 strategy remains above 2 for the period Apr 2013 to July 2013.

The conclusion appears to be that there is evidence for the possibility of generating abnormal returns in GDX lasting well into the current decade. However these have declined considerably in recent years, to a point where the effects are likely no longer important.

Strategy Backtesting in Mathematica

This is a snippet from a strategy backtesting system that I am currently building in Mathematica.

One of the challenges when building systems in WL is to avoid looping wherever possible. This can usually be accomplished with some thought, and the efficiency gains can be significant. But it can be challenging to get one’s head around the appropriate construct using functions like FoldList, etc, especially as there are often edge cases to be taken into consideration.

A case in point is the issue of calculating the profit and loss from individual trades in a trading strategy. The starting point is to come up with a FoldList compatible function that does the necessary calculations:

CalculateRealizedTradePL[{totalQty_, totalValue_, avgPrice_, PL_,
totalPL_}, {qprice_, qty_}] :=
Module[{newTotalPL = totalPL, price = QuantityMagnitude[qprice],
newTotalQty, tradeValue, newavgPrice, newTotalValue, newPL},
newTotalQty = totalQty + qty;
tradeValue =
If[Sign[qty] == Sign[totalQty] || avgPrice == 0, priceqty, If[Sign[totalQty + qty] == Sign[totalQty], avgPriceqty,
price(totalQty + qty)]]; newTotalValue = If[Sign[totalQty] == Sign[newTotalQty], totalValue + tradeValue, newTotalQtyprice];
newavgPrice =
If[Sign[totalQty + qty] ==
Sign[totalQty], (totalQtyavgPrice + tradeValue)/newTotalQty, price]; newPL = If[(Sign[qty] == Sign[totalQty] ) || totalQty == 0, 0, qty(avgPrice - price)];
newTotalPL = newTotalPL + newPL;
{newTotalQty, newTotalValue, newavgPrice, newPL, newTotalPL}]

Trade P&L is calculated on an average cost basis, as opposed to FIFO or LIFO.

Note that the functions handle both regular long-only trading strategies and short-sale strategies, in which (in the case of equities), we have to borrow the underlying stock to sell it short. Also, the pointValue argument enables us to apply the functions to trades in instruments such as futures for which, unlike stocks, the value of a 1 point move is typically larger than 1(e.g.50 for the ES S&P 500 mini futures contract).

We then apply the function in two flavors, to accommodate both standard numerical arrays and timeseries (associations would be another good alternative):

CalculateRealizedPLFromTrades[tradeList_?ArrayQ, pointValue_ : 1] :=
Module[{tradePL =
Rest@FoldList[CalculateRealizedTradePL, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
tradePL[[All, 4 ;; 5]] = tradePL[[All, 4 ;; 5]]pointValue; tradePL] CalculateRealizedPLFromTrades[tsTradeList_, pointValue_ : 1] := Module[{tsTradePL = Rest@FoldList[CalculateRealizedTradePL, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, QuantityMagnitude@tsTradeList["Values"]]}, tsTradePL[[All, 4 ;; 5]] = tsTradePL[[All, 4 ;; 5]]pointValue;
tsTradePL[[All, 2 ;;]] =
Quantity[tsTradePL[[All, 2 ;;]], "US Dollars"];
tsTradePL =
Join[Transpose@tsTradeList["Values"], Transpose@tsTradePL],

These functions run around 10x faster that the equivalent functions that use Do loops (without parallelization or compilation, admittedly).

Let’s see how they work with an example:

Trade Simulation

Next, we’ll generate a series of random trades using the AAPL time series, as follows (we also take the opportunity to convert the list of trades into a time series, tsTrades):

trades = Transpose@
20]]]], {RandomChoice[{-100, 100}, 20]}];
trades // TableForm

Trade P&L Calculation

We are now ready to apply our Trade P&L calculation function, first to the list of trades in array form:

Flatten[#] & /@ 
CalculateRealizedPLFromTrades[trades[[All, 2 ;; 3]]]], 2], 
TableHeadings -> {{}, {"Date", "Price", "Quantity", "Total Qty", 
"Position Value", "Average Price", "P&L", "Total PL"}}]

The timeseries version of the function provides the output as a timeseries object in Quantity[“US Dollars”] format and, of course, can be plotted immediately with DateListPlot (it is also convenient for other reasons, as the complete backtest system is built around timeseries objects):

tsTradePL = CalculateRealizedPLFromTrades[tsTrades]

Measuring Toxic Flow for Trading & Risk Management

A common theme of microstructure modeling is that trade flow is often predictive of market direction.  One concept in particular that has gained traction is flow toxicity, i.e. flow where resting orders tend to be filled more quickly than expected, while aggressive orders rarely get filled at all, due to the participation of informed traders trading against uninformed traders.  The fundamental insight from microstructure research is that the order arrival process is informative of subsequent price moves in general and toxic flow in particular.  This is turn has led researchers to try to measure the probability of informed trading  (PIN).  One recent attempt to model flow toxicity, the Volume-Synchronized Probability of Informed Trading (VPIN)metric, seeks to estimate PIN based on volume imbalance and trade intensity.  A major advantage of this approach is that it does not require the estimation of unobservable parameters and, additionally, updating VPIN in trade time rather than clock time improves its predictive power.  VPIN has potential applications both in high frequency trading strategies, but also in risk management, since highly toxic flow is likely to lead to the withdrawal of liquidity providers, setting up the conditions for a flash-crash” type of market breakdown.

The procedure for estimating VPIN is as follows.  We begin by grouping sequential trades into equal volume buckets of size V.  If the last trade needed to complete a bucket was for a size greater than needed, the excess size is given to the next bucket.  Then we classify trades within each bucket into two volume groups:  Buys (V(t)B) and Sells (V(t)S), with V = V(t)B + V(t)S
The Volume-Synchronized Probability of Informed Trading is then derived as:

risk management

Typically one might choose to estimate VPIN using a moving average over n buckets, with n being in the range of 50 to 100.

Another related statistic of interest is the single-period signed VPIN. This will take a value of between -1 and =1, depending on the proportion of buying to selling during a single period t.

Toxic Flow

Fig 1. Single-Period Signed VPIN for the ES Futures Contract

It turns out that quote revisions condition strongly on the signed VPIN. For example, in tests of the ES futures contract, we found that the change in the midprice from one volume bucket the next  was highly correlated to the prior bucket’s signed VPIN, with a coefficient of 0.5.  In other words, market participants offering liquidity will adjust their quotes in a way that directly reflects the direction and intensity of toxic flow, which is perhaps hardly surprising.

Of greater interest is the finding that there is a small but statistically significant dependency of price changes, as measured by first buy (sell) trade price to last sell (buy) trade price, on the prior period’s signed VPIN.  The correlation is positive, meaning that strongly toxic flow in one direction has a tendency  to push prices in the same direction during the subsequent period. Moreover, the single period signed VPIN turns out to be somewhat predictable, since its autocorrelations are statistically significant at two or more lags.  A simple linear auto-regression ARMMA(2,1) model produces an R-square of around 7%, which is small, but statistically significant.

A more useful model, however , can be constructed by introducing the idea of Markov states and allowing the regression model to assume different parameter values (and error variances) in each state.  In the Markov-state framework, the system transitions from one state to another with conditional probabilities that are estimated in the model.


An example of such a model  for the signed VPIN in ES is shown below. Note that the model R-square is over 27%, around 4x larger than for a standard linear ARMA model.

We can describe the regime-switching model in the following terms.  In the regime 1 state  the model has two significant autoregressive terms and one significant moving average term (ARMA(2,1)).  The AR1 term is large and positive, suggesting that trends in VPIN tend to be reinforced from one period to the next. In other words, this is a momentum state. In the regime 2 state the AR2 term is not significant and the AR1 term is large and negative, suggesting that changes in VPIN in one period tend to be reversed in the following period, i.e. this is a mean-reversion state.

The state transition probabilities indicate that the system is in mean-reversion mode for the majority of the time, approximately around 2 periods out of 3.  During these periods, excessive flow in one direction during one period tends to be corrected in the
ensuring period.  But in the less frequently occurring state 1, excess flow in one direction tends to produce even more flow in the same direction in the following period.  This first state, then, may be regarded as the regime characterized by toxic flow.

Markov State Regime-Switching Model

Markov Transition Probabilities

P(.|1)       P(.|2)

P(1|.)        0.54916      0.27782

P(2|.)       0.45084      0.7221

Regime 1:

AR1           1.35502    0.02657   50.998        0

AR2         -0.33687    0.02354   -14.311        0

MA1          0.83662    0.01679   49.828        0

Error Variance^(1/2)           0.36294     0.0058

Regime 2:

AR1      -0.68268    0.08479    -8.051        0

AR2       0.00548    0.01854    0.296    0.767

MA1     -0.70513    0.08436    -8.359        0

Error Variance^(1/2)           0.42281     0.0016

Log Likelihood = -33390.6

Schwarz Criterion = -33445.7

Hannan-Quinn Criterion = -33414.6

Akaike Criterion = -33400.6

Sum of Squares = 8955.38

R-Squared =  0.2753

R-Bar-Squared =  0.2752

Residual SD =  0.3847

Residual Skewness = -0.0194

Residual Kurtosis =  2.5332

Jarque-Bera Test = 553.472     {0}

Box-Pierce (residuals):         Q(9) = 13.9395 {0.124}

Box-Pierce (squared residuals): Q(12) = 743.161     {0}


A Simple Trading Strategy

One way to try to monetize the predictability of the VPIN model is to use the forecasts to take directional positions in the ES
contract.  In this simple simulation we assume that we enter a long (short) position at the first buy (sell) price if the forecast VPIN exceeds some threshold value 0.1  (-0.1).  The simulation assumes that we exit the position at the end of the current volume bucket, at the last sell (buy) trade price in the bucket.

This simple strategy made 1024 trades over a 5-day period from 8/8 to 8/14, 90% of which were profitable, for a total of $7,675 – i.e. around ½ tick per trade.

The simulation is, of course, unrealistically simplistic, but it does give an indication of the prospects for  more realistic version of the strategy in which, for example, we might rest an order on one side of the book, depending on our VPIN forecast.

informed trading

Figure 2 – Cumulative Trade PL


Easley, D., Lopez de Prado, M., O’Hara, M., Flow Toxicity and Volatility in a High frequency World, Johnson School Research paper Series # 09-2011, 2011

Easley, D. and M. O‟Hara (1987), “Price, Trade Size, and Information in Securities Markets”, Journal of Financial Economics, 19.

Easley, D. and M. O‟Hara (1992a), “Adverse Selection and Large Trade Volume: The Implications for Market Efficiency”,
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 27(2), June, 185-208.

Easley, D. and M. O‟Hara (1992b), “Time and the process of security price adjustment”, Journal of Finance, 47, 576-605.


Long/Short Stock Trading Strategy

The Long-Short Stock Trader strategy uses a quantitative model to introduce market orders, both entry and exits. The model looks for divergencies between stock price and its current volatility, closing the position when the Price-volatility gap is closed.  The strategy is designed to obtain a better return on risk than S&P500 index and the risk management is focused on obtaining a lower drawdown and volatility than index.
The model trades only Large Cap stocks, with high liquidity and without scalability problems. Thanks to the high liquidity, market orders are filled without market impact and at the best market prices.

For more information and back-test results go here.

The Long-Short Trader is the first strategy launched on the Systematic Algotrading Platform under our new Strategy Manager Program.

Performance Summary


Monthly Returns


Value of $100,000 Portfolio





Master’s in High Frequency Finance

I have been discussing with some potential academic partners the concept for a new graduate program in High Frequency Finance.  The idea is to take the concept of the Computational Finance program developed in the 1990s and update it to meet the needs of students in the 2010s.

The program will offer a thorough grounding in the modeling concepts, trading strategies and risk management procedures currently in use by leading investment banks, proprietary trading firms and hedge funds in US and international financial markets.  Students will also learn the necessary programming and systems design skills to enable them to make an effective contribution as quantitative analysts, traders, risk managers and developers.

I would be interested in feedback and suggestions as to the proposed content of the program.