A High Frequency Market Making Algorithm


This algorithm builds on the research by Stoikova and Avelleneda in their 2009 paper “High Frequency Trading in a Limit Order Book“, 2009 and extends the basic algorithm in several ways:

  1. The algorithm makes two sided markets in a specified list of equities, with model parameters set at levels appropriate for each product.
  2. The algorithm introduces an automatic mechanism for managing inventory, reducing the risk of adverse selection by changing the rate of inventory accumulation dynamically.
  3. The algorithm dynamically adjusts the range of the bid-ask spread as the trading session progresses, with the aim of minimizing inventory levels on market close.
  4. The extended algorithm makes use of estimates of recent market trends and adjusts the bid-offer spread to lean in the direction of the trend.
  5. A manual adjustment factor allows the market-maker to nudge the algorithm in the direction of reducing inventory.

The algorithm is implemented in Mathematica, and can be compiled to create dlls callable from with a C++ or Python application.

The application makes use of the MATH-TWS library to connect to the Interactive Brokers TWS or Gateway platform via the C++ api. MATH-TWS is used to create orders, manage positions and track account balances & P&L.